MRC Latino | May 16, 2016
JUAN CARLOS LIMÓN, MEMBER, NATIONAL DIVERISTY COALITION FOR TRUMP: …I remained objective, and I did not think he was talking about me. Yes, there are many problems. I do not believe he's talking about all Mexicans. JORGE RAMOS, HOST, AL PUNTO: Many consider that he is a racist. The definition of racism is the following. It’s ‘rejection, contempt for another person or another group for belonging…
MRC Latino | May 15, 2016
LUIS MEGID, CORRESPONDENT, UNIVISION: More than 13 million Hispanics will vote in November. But millions more will stay at home, in large part due to obstacles designed precisely for them not to vote in this election. ARTURO VARGAS, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, NALEO: The problems that we have are that there are states that limit access to voting.
MRC Latino | May 11, 2016
JOHN RODNEY, PRO-IMMIGRANT ACTIVIST: We want to ensure and strengthen the protections we have here in San Francisco to ensure due process. CRISTINA LODOÑO, REPORTER, TELEMUNDO: The author of the measure considers it essential. JOHN ÁVALOS, SUPERVISOR AND AUTHOR OF PROPOSAL: It gives protection to families, and people who have to work, people who want to go to school.
MRC Latino | May 10, 2016
JORGE RAMOS, HOST, AL PUNTO: In this presidential campaign, with Donald Trump attacking so many immigrants, is it necessary for you to come out and defend immigrants? JORGE RAMOS, HOST, AL PUNTO: Last June, Donald Trump said that Mexican immigrants, that is you, and me, and many others, that we're criminals, drug smugglers and rapists, have you ever felt discriminated in the U.S? JORGE…
MRC Latino | May 10, 2016
JORGE RAMOS, HOST, AL PUNTO: In this presidential campaign, with Donald Trump attacking so many immigrants, is it necessary for you to come out and defend immigrants? JORGE RAMOS, HOST, AL PUNTO: Last June, Donald Trump said that Mexican immigrants, that is you, and me, and many others, that we're criminals, drug smugglers and rapists, have you ever felt discriminated in the U.S? JORGE…
MRC Latino | May 8, 2016
JORGE RAMOS, HOST, AL PUNTO: In this presidential campaign, with Donald Trump attacking so many immigrants, is it necessary for you to come out and defend immigrants? JORGE RAMOS, HOST, AL PUNTO: Back in June, Donald Trump said that Mexican immigrants, that is you, and me, and many others, that we're criminals, drug smugglers and rapists, have you ever felt discriminated in the U.S? JORGE…
MRC Latino | May 6, 2016
Vicente Fox, Former President of Mexico: He knows I'm not going to pay for that *expletive* wall, *expletive* wall, nor will the Mexicans pay
MRC Latino | May 6, 2016
Vicente Fox, Former President of Mexico: To Mexicans I say, do not believe in a false prophet. Never vote for him, instead, let us unite and defend our offended dignity.
MRC Latino | May 5, 2016
ANTHONY AGAMO, STUDENT: There’s a group of students that are Republican, and they have a page on Instagram and they post a lot of ugly and racist things against Latinos. ALEXIA ALVAREZ, STUDENT: They say things like “Build the wall” and a lot of bad things, and say to take all the immigrants out.
MRC Latino | May 3, 2016
DIEGO SCHOENING, HOST, UN NUEVO DIA: And I think that he has built these small, sorry I say it this way, concentration camps where he separates Latin Americans, segregates them, puts them in there to separate them from Americans. ADAMARI LOPEZ, HOST, UN NUEVO DIA: People that are working, that are doing something for the country, people that are earning their living honestly!