Rich Noyes | May 14, 2015
On the May 13 edition of MSNBC's Hardball, after a train derailment in the U.S., host Chris Matthews seemed to yearn for a central government so powerful it can draw "a straight line" and put train tracks wherever it wanted to, as if public opposition was the only reason train tracks ever included curves and turns. “We have a country where people can complain. In communist countries like China…
Rich Noyes | May 9, 2015
Appearing on FBN's Cavuto Friday night, MRC President Brent Bozell argued that the news media are losing the trust of the American public because they've become more "marginalized" and "radicalized" during the Obama years, deliberately ignoring news "if it harms the narrative of the left."
Rich Noyes | April 15, 2015
On the April 14 Hardball, MSNBC host Chris Matthews used the anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's assassination to once again blast Republicans as racist: “Let me finish tonight with the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, who was shot 150 years ago today.... Why do the people running the Republican Party, starting with Reince Priebus, oversee a national effort in three dozen states to create voter…
Rich Noyes | April 14, 2015
On the April 14 edition of MSNBC's Morning Joe, Bloomberg's Mark Halperin enthused over Hillary Clinton stopping to buy a burrito during a road trip: “The two words she needs are ‘fun’ and ‘new.’ And part of why yesterday was so successful is she looks like she’s having fun and she’s doing, for her, new stuff. We’ve never seen her get a burrito before. Fun and new.”
Rich Noyes | April 14, 2015
On the April 14 edition of MSNBC's Morning Joe, co-host Mika Brzezinski scoffed at the idea that Florida Senator Marco Rubio could challenge the "experienced, accomplished" Hillary Clinton: “You measure up accomplishments, an ability to weather the storm, an ability to have had experience that might apply to this job....This is not even a conversation. She eats him for lunch....Hillary Clinton…
Rich Noyes | April 13, 2015
Host Melissa Harris-Perry, on the April 11 edition of her eponymous MSNBC show, worried that life in communist Cuba could suffer from an influx of American tourists, whom she termed "a plague on the rest of the world:" “On the one hand, it is great to reopen these relationships. On the other hand, I worry about American tourists and the ways that we can sometimes be a plague on the rest of the…
Rich Noyes | March 23, 2015
When Texas Senator Ted Cruz announced his presidential campaign, regular panelist Donny Deutsch, a former CNBC host, denounced him for not accepting liberal orthodoxy on climate change. From the March 23 edition of MSNBC's Morning Joe: “Everybody keeps saying he’s a smart guy. This is a guy who basically is saying that climate change is not a fact...So wait, that’s not smart. That’s dumb. But…
Rich Noyes | March 3, 2015
On the March 2 edition of MSNBC's Hardball, host Chris Matthews smeared the GOP as racist: “It [the Republican Party] is no longer the party that voted overwhelmingly for civil rights and voting rights in the mid ’60s. In fact, its most consistent ambition these recent years has been a relentless push to limit voting rights, especially for minorities, by the imposition of new voter ID…
Rich Noyes | February 14, 2015
There was a telling media moment on Friday’s Lou Dobbs Tonight, as the Fox Business host dissolved into a fit of uncontrollable laughter as he recounted the latest questionable claims from suspended NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams. By the time Dobbs had finished reading the 50-second update, he was laughing so hard he could barely speak.
Rich Noyes | February 10, 2015
[Full story at] Appearing on CNBC's Tim Russert on March 26, 2005, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams delivered a version of the Iraq-helicopter story that included his pilot taking "an AK-47 round right through the earlobe, Purple Heart." Writing in the New York Post this week, pilot Chris Simeone disputed Williams' version: “I do not have a Purple Heart, and my ears are just…