Kathleen Burch | June 25, 2012
At the Celebration of Freedom in Washington, DC, MRCTV's Katie Yoder interviewed Cardinal Donald Wuerl Archbishop of Washington DC. Yoder asked the Cardinal to respond to the claims that the lawsuit against the Federal government by the Catholic Church is politically motiviated. His reponse: "What we're doing can hardly be seen as a political process, we began this long before there was an issue…
Kathleen Burch | June 25, 2012
At the Celebration of Freedom in Washington, DC, MRCTV's Katie Yoder interviewed Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington DC. Responding to a question about why the Catholic Church does not rely on the media to publicize recent Catholic events, Wuerl says the media "tends to sometimes blur the lines between what used to be the editorial page and what used to be the news page."MRCTV'S…
Kathleen Burch | June 21, 2012
In an interview with MSNBC's The Daily Rundown, House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy maintains that the Eric Holder contempt vote is not a partisan issue. McCarthy says, "An American died. Doesn't the American public have a right to know?"The full video is available on youtube. 
Kathleen Burch | June 21, 2012
 On Tuesday, June 19 in the lobby of the Washington DC Hilton Hotel, site of the Take Back the American Dream Conference, MRC TV’s Alicia Powe and Kathleen Burch encountered a sententious Van Jones. After they approached Jones to ask him a few questions, he launched quickly into a lecture about journalism etiquette and then refused to speak with them because he was offended by their lack of…
Kathleen Burch | June 19, 2012
MRC TV's Kathleen Burch found Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi at the Faith and Freedom Conference and asked her what she feels are the greatest challenges to faith and freedom today in the United States as posed by the Obama administrationBondi responds that the HHS Mandate which forces the Catholic Church to provide birth control, abortions, and sterilizations is unconstitutional under the…
Kathleen Burch | June 18, 2012
MRCTV's Kathleen Burch found Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi at the Faith and Freedom Conference and asked her to explain the voter purging in Florida and the necessity for voter ID Laws. Reasoning that "people have died for our right to vote in this country," Bondi defends Florida's actions saying, "when someone votes, it should be done legally." MRCTV's Katie Yoder caught the response on…
Kathleen Burch | June 13, 2012
"Glenn Beck paid a visit to his former Fox News colleague Bill O’Reilly on Tuesday to discuss all things Barack Obama. Specifically, the recent radio ad aimed at black voters, in which the background singers sing, “We’ve got your back.” Beck asked, should he be the one who has our backs?"Full video available at Fox Nation
Kathleen Burch | June 12, 2012
In light of the lawsuit led by Florida against the Department of Justice for requiring the cessation of purging ineligible voters from the voter rolls, Allen West stands firm with the actions of Governor Rick Scott. He maintains that Holder and the Obama administration don't understand Federalism and that they don't understand the tenth ammendment This video was featured on The Right Scoop
Kathleen Burch | June 12, 2012
The presumptive presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, defends his comments made last week about how President Obama is out of touch. Citing the negative effects of Obamacare on small businesses and middle income families, Romney insists he was not taking Obama's gaffe about how the "Private Sector is doing just fine" out of context. This video was featured on The Right Scoop.
Kathleen Burch | June 11, 2012
Due to high security surrounding President Obama’s visit to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on Memorial Day, many veterans were turned away, unable to mourn their fellow soldiers at The Wall.This video was featured on Fox Nation.