
Tim Graham is executive editor of NewsBusters. 

Tim Graham | June 29, 2020
MRC founder and president Brent Bozell appeared on the Fox Business program The Evening Edit to discuss the media and the Left promoting the tearing down of statues and the renaming of institutions, like removing Woodrow Wilson’s name from a building at Princeton (where he was president of the college).
Tim Graham | June 29, 2020
Ryan Lizza asked the White House press secretary “Does President Trump believe that it was a good thing that the south lost the civil war?”
Tim Graham | June 29, 2020
White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany strongly pushed back on the New York Times scoop that the Russians offered bounties for the killing of American soldiers in Afghanistan. She offered a litany of Fake News published by the Times
Tim Graham | June 29, 2020
Longtime PBS omnipresence Bill Moyers came on CNN's Reliable Sources and suggested Trump fans want journalists dead. He claimed it was a popular to wear a T-shirt that says "Rope. Tree. Journalist. Some Assembly Required."
Tim Graham | June 27, 2020
On Friday, CBS White House correspondent Paula Reid fought with Vice President Pence, lecturing him about the danger of holding rallies during the pandemic. 
Tim Graham | June 23, 2020
On The Evening Edit on Fox Business on Monday night, MRC founder and president Brent Bozell said the media treated John Bolton as a knuckle-dragging neocon....until he turned on President Trump.
Tim Graham | June 22, 2020
Here's a dramatic difference in network Sunday shows. Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace asked Biden spokesperson Symone Sanders why there's a double-standard, that mass street protests against the police aren't "super spreader" events. She denied there was a double standard.
Tim Graham | June 21, 2020
On Sunday's Meet the Press, NBC host Chuck Todd pressed Rep. Adam Schiff to restart impeachment engines before the election by using John Bolton's "tell-all" book to "protect" America from Donald Trump. 
Tim Graham | June 20, 2020
During live CNN coverage before Trump's Saturday night rally, CNN's Brian Stelter oddly said the president "lied" on Twitter about the "small crowd" at a Biden event...because almost no one was there. Trump called it a "rally," but it was a speech, with invitation-only attendance. But the New York Times said it was oddly silent.