JuliaSeymour | August 26, 2009
NBC examined the possibility of the Obama administration accepting a health care co-op plan instead of a public option.
JuliaSeymour | August 21, 2009
CNN discussed cash for clunkers on Aug. 21 and John Roberts described the "good news, bad news" for the government program.
JuliaSeymour | August 20, 2009
CNN correspondent Jim Acosta reported on Massachusetts as a "model" for health care reform on Aug. 20, 2009. Acosta found three proponents of the program, but didn't include any critics in his story.
JuliaSeymour | August 19, 2009
Peter Singer tells "American Morning" we already have rationed health care on Aug. 19, 2009.
JuliaSeymour | August 18, 2009
New York Democratic congressman Anthony Weiner called for a single payer government-run insurance program on "Morning Joe" Aug. 18, 2009. MSNBC failed to challenge his claims of Medicare's efficiency and cost savings.
JuliaSeymour | August 18, 2009
Dr. Nancy Snyderman was interviewed by NBC "Nightly News" Aug. 17 about binge drinking in older Americans, but redefined the number of drinks that means in order to nanny viewers.
JuliaSeymour | August 18, 2009
NBC's chief medical editor agreed that a health care reform bill without "public option" wouldn't be reform during Aug. 17, 2009 "Morning Joe" on MSNBC.
JuliaSeymour | August 13, 2009
Dan Gainor presents an op-ed about the hypocrisy of liberal outrage over conservative dissent.
JuliaSeymour | August 13, 2009
Daily Beast editor-in-chief Tina Brown downplayed town hall outrage during "Morning Joe" by shifting the focus onto thousands who showed up at a California charity clinic for medical care.
JuliaSeymour | August 5, 2009
CNBC's Jim Cramer was on NBC's Today show Aug. 3 to discuss the Cash for Clunkers program.