George Soros

Ebrown | June 7, 2011
Vice President for Business and Culture appeared on Fox News discussing Soros-backed Media Outlets
Joe Schoffstall | February 4, 2011
After videos were placed on Big Government and from a progressive rally in Palm Springs, FL where protesters were preaching the evils of…
therightscoop | November 9, 2010
George Soros really worried about Glenn Beck
Jpoor | October 6, 2010
MSNBC, NY Times glom onto U.S. Chamber of Commerce attack campaign from the ‘professional left.’
Jpoor | October 22, 2008
'American Morning' anchor references left-wing billionaire George Soros distrust of Henry Paulson as a reputable source of skepticism.
Ken Shepherd | January 23, 2008
CNN's Jack Cafferty hyped a Soros-backed study that argues that Bush administration officials lied 935 times about WMD before the war. In reply he…