College students

Jeffdunetz | November 30, 2015
By posting an open letter to the student body, Dr. Everett Piper, President of Oklahoma Wesleyan University (OKWU) took preventative action and…
danjoseph | November 4, 2015
Among the other things that make the 2016 election cycle unique is the fact that there is a self-described "Democratic Socialist" running a…
danjoseph | September 23, 2015
A young man named Ahmed Mohamed sparked a huge controversy, last week, when he brought a homemade clock to school and was taken into custody out of…
danjoseph | April 23, 2015
President Ronald Reagan is one of the most famous Americans of the 20th century.  Between his acting career and his eight years as president, you…
danjoseph | February 16, 2015
Happy Presidents Day!   Well. You might not be so happy after you watch this video in which I ask college students one of the most basic questions…
Eric Scheiner | June 5, 2014
This week marked the 10th anniversary of the death of President Ronald Reagan.  As it so happens, I had some video on hand from a project I had been…
Stephen Gutowski | May 20, 2011
The folks at set out recently to answer the age old question "can you support free speech and a ban on conservatives on the…
Stephen Gutowski | May 20, 2011 wanted to see if college students would support a ban on conservative talk radio. So they went out and asked them to sign a…
Stephen Gutowski | December 13, 2010
This is the first time in my life I've ever actually wanted to buy hummus. Not to eat mind you, that stuff is putrid, but just because these kids…
Stephen Gutowski | October 8, 2010
Well, we know that young liberals' default argument in support of Obamacare is LOOK AT OUR GENITALS!! However, thanks to, we now have…
Joe Schoffstall | September 29, 2010
President Obama spoke to students in Madison, WI promising that change is really on its way... they just have to stick with him. Technically, I…