Nick Kangadis | April 21, 2020
Talk about being tone deaf. We know a large portion of politicians care nothing for the people, but this is ridiculous. They talk and talk and talk,…
Brittany M. Hughes | March 31, 2020
On February 2, Donald Trump urged New Yorkers to keep using the subway system. A few days later, he said it’s unlikely that you could catch the…
Brittany M. Hughes | March 11, 2020
In Episode 427 of the Progressive Left's favorite show “Everything Is Racist,” N.Y. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez now says people aren’t eating at…
Brittany M. Hughes | March 9, 2020
Never mind that Ronald Reagan beat incumbent Jimmy Carter in 1980 by 440 electoral votes. Never mind that he won again in 1984 with every state…
Brittany M. Hughes | February 5, 2020
In her rambling response to President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address Tuesday night, N.Y. Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez blasted…
Nick Kangadis | January 25, 2020
Folks, I know I've written before about President Donald Trump being one of the greatest Twitter trolls of all-time. But, this is different. Trump…
Brittany M. Hughes | January 21, 2020
If former President Obama's accusation that American owners "didn't build that" when it comes to their own hard work and success wasn't insulting…
Brittany M. Hughes | January 20, 2020
Lies, lies, and more lies. At this point, it's either an embarrassing lack of awareness...or an intentional ploy. I'll leave it to you to guess…
Monica Sanchez | December 24, 2019
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) in an interview on Sunday said that if President Trump thinks that she’s “crazy,” then “that’s a good thing…
Brittany M. Hughes | December 16, 2019
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez went from complaining about Americans not having any access to insurance to complaining that she has more than five…
Brittany M. Hughes | December 13, 2019
Democrats are voting to impeach President Trump because he committed the unforgivable crime of beating the tar out of Hillary Clinton at the ballot…
Brittany M. Hughes | December 11, 2019
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez compared having children to breeding dogs in a bizarre pitch for longer paid maternity leave, claiming that society…