Mark Finkelstein

Mark's undergrad degree is from Cornell. He has law degrees from SUNY Buffalo and Harvard. He practiced law in NYC, Mexico City, and Paris, before doing a stint as a pro tennis manager and tournament organizer. He returned to his college town of Ithaca, NY and got involved in real estate development and politics.

In 2011, Mark moved to Pecan Plantation, TX, and in 2018, to Oak Island, NC.

Mark's a dog lover who has used his small plane to do many dog-rescue flights. He speaks Spanish and French.

MarkF | March 23, 2013
On her MSNBC show, Melissa Harris-Perry, discussing human life in its early unborn stages, speaks "the cost to have this thing turn into a human."
MarkF | March 22, 2013
On Ed Schultz's soon-to-be-defunct MSNBC show, a histrionic Michael Moore accused gun owners of racism . . .then proceeded to say it was reasonable for them not to be afraid of their white neighbors  . . . and that he felt more comfortable walking down the streets of Toronto than Detroit.
MarkF | March 22, 2013
On Morning Joe, Zbigniew Brzezinski advises President Obama to privately tell Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that America will not go to war against Iran.
MarkF | March 20, 2013
On Morning Joe, after Dan Senor sarcastically describes President Obama's arrival in Tel Aviv as "the Messiah returns to Israel," Mika Brzezinski says "are you kidding me?"  Responds Joe Scarborough: "no, he's channeling you."
MarkF | March 19, 2013
On MSNBC, temporarily taking Ed Schultz's place, Michael Eric Dyson says "wouldn't that be great" if minimum wage were raised to $22 per hour.
MarkF | March 19, 2013
On MSNBC, Jim Miklaszewski reports that a Marine official has accused Harry Reid of political posturing "on the backs of dead Marines" for suggesting that because of the sequester Marines are at risk of more incidents such as the training incident yesterday that claimed the lives of seven Marines.
MarkF | March 19, 2013
On Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski speculates that Rob Portman's support for gay marriage cost him selection as Mitt Romney's running mate.
MarkF | March 13, 2013
On Morning Joe, when Harold Ford, Jr. resorts to his schmoozing ways, finding good things to say about a trio of differing politicians, Joe Scarborough asks him whether there is "anybody that you don't like and respect?"  Ford responds by saying he's a Christian who sees the good in everything.  Scarborough and Willie Geist rib Ford about a campaign ad he ran in Tennessee showing himself in a…
MarkF | March 12, 2013
On Morning Joe, 'Fortune' editor Leigh Gallagher, expressing support for NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg's ban on big soft drinks, says "sometimes you have to do not what people want you to do.  You have to take people by the hand and lead them."
MarkF | March 8, 2013
On Morning Joe, Harold Ford, Jr. after observing that those who hang out with terrorists put themselves in peril, proclaimed "I don't dine, socialize or spend time with people who are on a terrorist list around the globe."   Willie Geist teases him about his statement, closing the segment by saying "more of Harold's series, 'Dining With Enemy Combatants,' later."