Mark Finkelstein

Mark's undergrad degree is from Cornell. He has law degrees from SUNY Buffalo and Harvard. He practiced law in NYC, Mexico City, and Paris, before doing a stint as a pro tennis manager and tournament organizer. He returned to his college town of Ithaca, NY and got involved in real estate development and politics.

In 2011, Mark moved to Pecan Plantation, TX, and in 2018, to Oak Island, NC.

Mark's a dog lover who has used his small plane to do many dog-rescue flights. He speaks Spanish and French.

MarkF | April 25, 2015
On the Melissa Harris-Perry show, Paul Raushenbush, an ordained American Baptist minister and a Huffington Post religion editor, argues against executing Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev because in 20 years he might become "a spokesperson for reconciling Islam with America."
MarkF | April 24, 2015
  On Morning Joe, Donny Deutsch declares that the string of scandals surrounding Hillary "really, really puts a dent in her candidacy and I really believe people are going to want to turn the page on Hillary Clinton." In contrast, Deutsch depicts Rubio as the candidate that people strongly associate with the future, making his candidacy "easy to manage. All he's got to say is 'future, future,…
MarkF | April 23, 2015
Even by James Carville standards, this was bizarre. Toward the end of his appearance on the Ed Schultz show, the strange Cajun calls Clinton Cash author Paul Schweizer "this anti-Disney, gay bike bar Glenn Beck or whatever this guy is."
MarkF | April 23, 2015
On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough, Jeremy Peters and Mika Brzezinski criticize Howard Dean for attacking the authors of stories exposing Hillary and Bill Clinton's financial dealings rather than discussing the substance of the allegations. 
MarkF | April 22, 2015
On With All Due Respect, Mark Halperin says that NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio "may be playing a more dangerous game than he realizes" by failing so far to endorse Hillary Clinton. 
MarkF | April 21, 2015
On With All Due Respect, Hillary's New Hampshire campaign co-chair William Shaheen boasts that he could say where Hillary stands on 10 different issues.  But when asked where she stands on the Keystone Pipeline and the Trans Pacific trade deal, Shaheen has to sheepishly admit that he doesn't know where Hillary stands on either issue. 
MarkF | April 21, 2015
On MSNBC, trying to defend Hillary Clinton against the charges contained in Clinton Cash, MSNBC contributor Dorian Warren says it's possible that Bill Clinton was running "serious game" on foreigners that were funneling money to him on the assumption that it would influence HIllary as Secretary of State, taking their money but never mentioning it to Hillary. 
MarkF | April 19, 2015
On Face the Nation, when Bob Schieffer wonders why the Democrats have only fielded one presidential candidate, Dana Milbank suggests to Schieffer that he should run. 
MarkF | April 18, 2015
MSNBC political correspondent Kasie Hunt praises Marco Rubio's performance at a New Hampshire Republican candidate summit.. 
MarkF | April 17, 2015
On Morning Joe rather than discussing the implications of Hillary Clinton kicking off her campaign by handpicking the "everyday Americans" she spoke with at her first event in Iowa, Howard Dean disses the Daily Mail, the source of the story. Scoffs Dean: "it's the Daily Mail.  Why would you believe this?"  He also says it's possible that the Daily Mail "made up" the story.