Brent Baker
VP of Research and Publications

Brent H. Baker, the Steven P.J. Wood Senior Fellow and Vice President for Research and Publications at the Media Research Center (MRC), has been a central figure at the MRC since its 1987 founding. In 2001, Weekly Standard Executive Editor Fred Barnes dubbed Baker “the scourge of liberal bias.” In 2005, Baker spearheaded the launch of the MRC’s NewsBusters blog (his blog postings).

Follow Baker via Twitter. (Full bioWashington Examiner's weekly "Mainstream Media Scream," with Baker's scream rating, are on NewsBusters as of January 2015. Read them here

Brent Baker | March 8, 2011
“But forget all the good arguments for [Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell] repeal, like because it’s the right thing to do, or because it was promised in the campaign, or because it gets lonely on a submarine. Do it because it will make Rush Limbaugh explode like a bag of meat dropped from a helicopter. Do it because it will make Sarah Palin ‘go rogue’ in her pants.”
Brent Baker | February 27, 2011
Senator Rand Paul’s segment on the Late Show exposed David Letterman as an arrogantly ill-informed ally of Wisconsin’s public employee unions: “Why don't we just raise the taxes and let these folks have their collective bargaining, have their union representation and go back to their jobs? Raise the taxes on the wealthy.”
Brent Baker | February 26, 2011
On the September 4, 2007 Countdown, MSNBC's Keith Olbermann went on a rant: "Mr. Bush, our presence in Iraq must end, even if it means your resignation, even if it means your impeachment...This country cannot run the risk of what you can still do to this country in the next 500 days.”
Brent Baker | February 23, 2011
The Good Wife on CBS gave legitimacy to the presumption the Tea Party is racist as a lawyer tried to discredit an expert witness (Gary Cole as Sarah Palin supporter “Kurt McVeigh”), by demanding he admit he’s “a member of the Tea Party.” The lawyer asserts “it is our contention that my client’s prosecution was racist,” citing McVeigh’s “membership in a racist organization,” namely the Tea Party.
Brent Baker | January 15, 2011
On the season premiere of his HBO show, Bill Maher offered a bizarre explanation for why Jared Lee Loughner was able to commit mass murder: "Because we don't have government health care, that's one reason why a crazy person gets a gun because, you know what, it’s hard for a crazy person to get a job, so therefore it’s hard for them to get heath care in a country that doesn’t have government-"
Brent Baker | January 9, 2011
“The shooter’s motivation is still unknown,” Katie Couric announced as she anchored Saturday’s CBS Evening News, but that didn’t deter CBS, nor CNN, NBC and ABC on Saturday night and into Sunday morning from forwarding attempts to blame Sarah Palin and, by implication, the Tea Party, for the Tucson shooting.
Brent Baker | December 26, 2010
“This is such a weak field,” Fox News analyst Juan Williams declared during a Fox News Sunday look at potential 2012 GOP presidential candidates, prompting an appalled Bill Kristol to mock: “Yeah, President Obama had done so much when he ran for President.” Williams derided Sarah Palin compared to Barack Obama: "She can't stand on the intellectual stage with Obama."
Brent Baker | December 22, 2010
FNC’s Bret Baier ended his Tuesday night “Grapevine” segment by highlighting NewsBusters’ Monday morning post which has generated quite a buzz on a lot of blog sites, “Nina Totenberg: ‘I Was At – Forgive the Expression – a Christmas Party...’” In Wednesday’s Washington Post, however, The Reliable Source column insisted “her critics got it completely wrong” since “she was, she says, defending…
Brent Baker | December 20, 2010
“I was at – forgive the expression – a Christmas party,” NPR reporter Nina Totenberg interjected on Inside Washington in the weekend’s oddest cautionary separation from a common description for a common event, seemingly embarrassed to invoke any religious terminology for Christmas. She didn’t say what she’d prefer for parties this time of the year to be named.
Brent Baker | December 18, 2010
FNC’s Fox Newswatch on Saturday highlighted a winner in the MRC’s online balloting, in which many NewsBusters readers took part, for the annual awards for the year’s worst reporting. "The winner of the Poison Teapot Award for Smearing the Anti-Obama rabble, goes to PBS's Tavis Smiley."