Ben Graham
Video Producer

Ben is (unfortunately) a born and raised suburban D.C. native who grew up in a good, old-fashioned Catholic home. When he isn't busy being a self-taught jack-of-all-trades producing riveting video content for MRCTV he's probably reading and writing fiction, watching classic Chinese martial arts films, or hitting his head against a wall due to the constant influx of liberal bias and flawed liberal logic that brutally invades his daily routine.

Ben Graham | July 3, 2015
Donald Trump has been under fire for remarks he made on illegal immigrants during the announcement of his candidacy. "The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems," He said. "When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems…
Ben Graham | July 2, 2015
In the spirit of Fourth of July weekend, here are eight facts about the Founding Fathers we bet you haven't heard before. Most people likely think of the Founding Fathers as heroic intellectuals and warriors, but they're a little more human than that. So, this Independence day, we'll start with a fun fact about the Declaration of Independence: 1. No one trusted Benjamin Franklin to write the…
Ben Graham | July 2, 2015
In honor of America's Independence Day, here's a few quotes (along with some pictures for those who are children-at-heart!) that can help you commemorate our nation's birthday! Witness some examples of the wisdom and insight shown by those who stood up for their rights and formed a nation that allows you to exercise and celebrate yours.        
Ben Graham | June 29, 2015
House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) along with Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) have both announced that Rep. Meadows is getting his Government Operations subcommittee chairmanship back after he was punished for voting against Republican leadership on Pres. Obama's Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), the legislation that would allow Obama to bypass Congress…
Ben Graham | June 26, 2015
Presidential Candidate Carly Fiorina thoroughly thumped Hillary Clinton for hypocrisy and overall untrustworthiness on Thursday night's Hannity. When Sean Hannity mentions the Clinton Foundation taking money from nations that are known for their maltreatment of women and gays, Fiorina calls it as she sees it: "It's called hypocrisy." Fiorina says that Americans are getting tired of politics…
Ben Graham | June 25, 2015
Bob Headings lost the use of his legs after falling from a ladder while performing home improvements. That dreadful fall would also break 17 of his ribs and collapse one of his lungs. A father of three, Bob wouldn’t be without support from a wonderful family. He at first worried of how his injury would impact them but they would stay with him through his therapy and see him through to a new way…
Ben Graham | June 25, 2015
A photograph captured what it truly means to be a public servant, and it’s gaining a lot of attention. Nick Struck, a police officer from Brighton, Colorado, scooped a distraught two-year-old girl into his arms and began singing to her. She and her family had just experienced a deadly car crash that took the life of her father and sent the rest of her family to the hospital. According to a…
Ben Graham | June 24, 2015
Former Virginia senator Jim Webb (D) weighed in on the fate of the Confederate Flag today. His view is one that is most unexpected for a Democrat who is pondering a presidential run in 2016. He defended both the flag and the honor of Confederate soldiers. This isn’t Webb’s first time standing up for the men who fought with the Confederacy. In 1990, he said that the soldiers were “misunderstood…
Ben Graham | June 24, 2015
His name is Miguel Rivera and he has a skill with guitars that you have to see to believe. In honor of Michael Jackson and his passing, Rivera composed a unique cover of Jackson’s hit “Beat It.” It’s impossible to listen to this and not bop your head along to the beat. It is done supremely well and has gone received over half a million views since Monday. See it here: