Tierin-Rose Mandelburg

Tierin-Rose grew up in a large Christian family on the coast of Connecticut. After high school she moved to Alabama to dance with a professional ballet company while attending Liberty University. She served as an MRC Culture intern in Spring 2021 and became staff shortly there after. Her main focus is on pro-life issues and is committed to exposing the lies of the left and to defending babies in the womb. 

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | February 24, 2022
The Chinese Communist Party-affiliated TikTok app has been on a censorship crusade against the Media Research Center.  The first MRC TikTok video was Feb. 26, 2021. The account features original content, NewsBusters highlights and occasionally popular video trends. The page has over 67,000 followers and 789,400 likes, so far. Big Tech has censored the account 16 times since the account was…
Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | February 10, 2022
  Critical Race Theory (CRT) undergirds the idea that America is an irredeemably racist country. Advocates for CRT emphasize that white people are racist, capitalism is racist and whites are oppressors. All these concepts are taught to children in schools, but groups like Moms for Liberty and The Chalkboard Review have made it a point to fight back. Big Tech has, in turn, made it a point…
Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | February 3, 2022
Big Tech is controlled by the left which causes a clear bias when determining what information is and is not allowed to remain online. Big Tech has shown intense dedication to silencing any right-leaning or free speech-promoting content on their social media sites. Prominent figures, especially conservatives and free thinkers like nationally syndicated radio host Dan Bongino, podcast host Joe…