Nicholas Fondacaro
Associate Editor
Nicholas Fondacaro | December 8, 2016
CNN continued to stoke fear of President-Elect Donald Trump’s nomination of Scott Pruitt to lead the Environmental Protection Agency on The Lead Thursday.  “’At the risk of being dramatic. Scott Pruitt is an extension threat to the planet.’ That's quite a charge,” host Jake Tapper said, as he read a tweet from Dan Pfeiffer, a former adviser to President Barack Obama. He was speaking to reporter…
Nicholas Fondacaro | December 8, 2016
In their two hour long documentary The Legacy of Barack Obama Wednesday, CNN allowed former Obama adviser Fareed Zakaria to set his sights on Congressional Republicans as claimed their opposition was fueled by a deep seeded racism. “That fierce, unrelenting opposition, would haunt the next eight years and what began as whispers is now discussed openly,” he pontificated as ominous music played, “…
Nicholas Fondacaro | December 7, 2016
News broke Wednesday that President-Elect Donald Trump had selected Oklahoma Attorney General, and active opponent to the Environmental Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt to lead that very same organization. Word of Trump’s latest pick sent liberal environmental groups into a panic along with networks CBS and NBC. “The president-elect filled more administration posts today, putting a global warming…
Nicholas Fondacaro | December 7, 2016
CNN political commentator, Van Jones hosted a special town hall event titled The Messy Truth Tuesday night, to talk about how “both parties kind of suck.” During the forum he admitted that there was an elitist vein running through the Democratic Party, and that many rust belt voters supported Donald Trump because their harsh economic reality. But the constructive conversation turned dark at the…
Nicholas Fondacaro | December 6, 2016
Despite recent revelations that the Pentagon may have been hiding $125 billion in wasteful spending, the Big Three networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) all knocked President-Elect Donald Trump Tuesday for tweeting his disapproval of the $4 billion price tag of two new presidential aircraft. “President-Elect Donald Trump's sparking a new controversy over Air Force One after once again, taking to social…
Nicholas Fondacaro | December 5, 2016
The liberal media was still up in arms Monday over President-Elect Donald Trump accepting a congratulatory phone call from the president of the island nation of Taiwan. “Already, Trump has caused quite a stir on the world stage,” whined ABC’s Jon Karl on World News Tonight, “Ruffling China’s feathers by talking to the president Taiwan.” While chastising the president-elect for his phone call and…
Nicholas Fondacaro | December 4, 2016
CNN’s Brian Stelter took his anti-Donald Trump bias to new heights Sunday during his show “Reliable Souses,” where he argued that the media had to start referring to the president-elect as an authoritarian. “I talk to international correspondents who say to you, ‘This is exactly what authoritarians do. This is what strongmen do. This is what happens in authoritarian regimes,’” he claimed, “I…
Nicholas Fondacaro | December 4, 2016
Vice President-Elect Mike Pence appeared on NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday to discuss Donald Trump’s fast approaching presidency. What he got, at one point, was moderator Chuck Todd grilling him on why Trump couldn’t save some 700 jobs Carrier still sent to Mexico. “You gave a tax break -- some people could say you gave a tax break to Carrier so that they would only send 700 jobs overseas,” he…
Nicholas Fondacaro | December 4, 2016
President-Elect Donald Trump’s latest batch of cabinet nominations is drawing fire from liberal media elites with smears like “The wealthiest cabinet in history.” But the frustration over the nominees’ financial success is made humorous when it’s other super wealthy people throwing the fit, such as Al Sharpton during MSNBC’s PoliticsNation on Sunday. “I mean, how concerned… should Democrats be…
Nicholas Fondacaro | December 1, 2016
Minutes after President-Elect Donald Trump’s “Thank You Tour” rally in Cincinnati, Ohio Thursday night CNN commentator, and former White House adviser, David Gergen voiced his displeasure for the man during Anderson Cooper 360. “I think there was any doubt that we’re putting an end in one chapter in American history and moving on to a new one he dispelled that doubt tonight,” he whined after…