Mark Finkelstein

Mark's undergrad degree is from Cornell. He has law degrees from SUNY Buffalo and Harvard. He practiced law in NYC, Mexico City, and Paris, before doing a stint as a pro tennis manager and tournament organizer. He returned to his college town of Ithaca, NY and got involved in real estate development and politics.

In 2011, Mark moved to Pecan Plantation, TX, and in 2018, to Oak Island, NC.

Mark's a dog lover who has used his small plane to do many dog-rescue flights. He speaks Spanish and French.

MarkF | November 19, 2009
Interviewing a Sarah Palin fan in line at a book-signing, MSNBC's Norah O'Donnell breaks out written notes to challenge her.
MarkF | November 16, 2009
Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough says comparing Sarah Palin to Howard Dean is an insult to Dean's intelligence.
MarkF | November 15, 2009
On Meet The Press, Hillary Clinton declines to say she supports the decision to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in NYC, saying only that she "won't second-guess the decision."
MarkF | November 15, 2009
On Fox News Watch, Jim Pinkerton cites NewsBuster Mark Finkelstein's report on Pres. Obama's failure to defend the U.S. dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki that ended WWII in the Pacific.
MarkF | November 13, 2009
At a press conference in Japan, Pres. Obama ducks a reporter's repeated question as to whether Obama things the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was the right decision.
MarkF | November 10, 2009
Financial Times' Chrystia Freeland, on Morning Joe, declares she's "comforted" by reports the military's devotion to "diversity" won't be affected by Hasan case.
MarkF | November 9, 2009
Ed Schultz and Barney Frank go at each other on MSNBC over Wall Street bonuses.
MarkF | November 6, 2009
Nancy LeaMond, the Exec. VP of AARP, appeared on Morning Joe to defend her organization's endorsement of ObamaCare. Turns out that before coming to AARP, LeaMond was a senior Clinton admin appointee and top congressional staffer.
MarkF | November 5, 2009
Keith Olbermann says he found folks peacefully exercising their First Amendment rights to petition the government for redress of "terrifying." For good measure, he slurred the people protesting Obamacare at the Capitol today as looking like "a pro-apartheid rally in South Africa."
MarkF | November 4, 2009
Republicans went two-for-three in last night's big races. But in declaring Winners and Losers among non-candidates involved with the campaigns, the only Losers National Journal's Hotline sees are . . . Republicans! Chris Matthews was only too happy to seize on the Hotline hitlist during his Sideshow segment on this evening's Hardball.