Mark Finkelstein

Mark's undergrad degree is from Cornell. He has law degrees from SUNY Buffalo and Harvard. He practiced law in NYC, Mexico City, and Paris, before doing a stint as a pro tennis manager and tournament organizer. He returned to his college town of Ithaca, NY and got involved in real estate development and politics.

In 2011, Mark moved to Pecan Plantation, TX, and in 2018, to Oak Island, NC.

Mark's a dog lover who has used his small plane to do many dog-rescue flights. He speaks Spanish and French.

MarkF | March 14, 2012
On MSNBC's "Ed Show," Howard Dean says it's conceivable that in a presidential race about Barack Obama, Mitt Romney could carry fewer states than Barry Goldwater did in 1964.
MarkF | March 9, 2012
On Morning Joe, Al Sharpton says of Alabama: "it's against the law to organize unions here."
MarkF | March 9, 2012
On Morning Joe, Mark Halperin, while claiming "it's not a partisan thing," says that "Romney's campaign has the worst relationship with the media of any major candidate I've covered."
MarkF | March 7, 2012
On Morning Joe, Tom Brokaw calls George H.W. Bush 'the most under-rated modern president of our time."
MarkF | February 29, 2012
Michael Steele appears to be dozing when camera cuts to him on Morning Joe.
MarkF | February 28, 2012
On Morning Joe, Bill Keller, former executive editor of the New York Times and now an op-ed columnist there, says of Rick Santorum that "sometimes Santorum sounds like he's creeping up on a Christian version of Sharia law."
MarkF | February 27, 2012
On Morning Joe, Andrea Mitchell expresses concern that President Obama might be punished by voters over the mess in Afghanistan and rising gasoline prices, despite the fact that the president has "so little control" over those matters.  Dem Sen. Dick Durbin says people like Obama's solution to higher oil prices: eliminating tax breaks for oil companies.  How this will do anything but increase…
MarkF | February 26, 2012
On his MSNBC show Chris, Hayes advises conservatives to call the war that President Bush led against Iraq "criminal."
MarkF | February 23, 2012
In an MSNBC "Lean Forward" promo, Tamron Hall is seen standing in front of a military jet as she says she's been angered and saddened by the use of patriotism and military families as political pawns.  
MarkF | February 22, 2012
On Morning Joe, leftist professor Jeffrey Sachs and Joe Scarborough squabble after Sachs calls Republican Super PAC funder Sheldon Adelson "completely unlikable" but refuses to criticize George Soros.