Mark Finkelstein

Mark's undergrad degree is from Cornell. He has law degrees from SUNY Buffalo and Harvard. He practiced law in NYC, Mexico City, and Paris, before doing a stint as a pro tennis manager and tournament organizer. He returned to his college town of Ithaca, NY and got involved in real estate development and politics.

In 2011, Mark moved to Pecan Plantation, TX, and in 2018, to Oak Island, NC.

Mark's a dog lover who has used his small plane to do many dog-rescue flights. He speaks Spanish and French.

MarkF | October 3, 2013
On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough insults his viewers and Reublicans, saying "I know a lot of people aren't really smart out there . . . I'm not blaming the Republicans and I feel sorry for them because they should have paid more attention in school. They wouldn't be so easily confused by 140-character statements."
MarkF | October 2, 2013
On Morning Joe, members of the panel decline to refer to Senator Ted Cruz by name, referring to him instead as one of a "couple of Republican Senators" or by other allusions.
MarkF | October 1, 2013
On Morning Joe, things get testy as Joe Scarborough predicts the failure of Obamacare will drive millions into federal programs, causing the disappearance of private healthcare insurance within ten years.
MarkF | September 30, 2013
On her MSNBC show,  Andrea Mitchell's angrily scolds Republican Rep. Jason Chaffetz , telling him to "get real," telling him the Republican bill delaying ObamaCare is "dead on arrival" and putting the onus on Republicans to cave to avoid "hurting people."
MarkF | September 30, 2013
On Morning Joe,  Mark Halperin says that the Obama admin has little incentive to negotiate because it believes a "sympathetic" press will blame Republicans, accusing them of being "obstructionist."
MarkF | September 29, 2013
ABC's Good Morning America's features anecdotes of two African-Americans who could be harmed segment by a government shutdow, with no reference to people who would be harmed by higher healthcare insurance premiums under ObamaCare.
MarkF | September 27, 2013
In an MSNBC "Lean Forward" promo, Chris Hayes extols those "with the courage to look power in the eye and say 'no'."
MarkF | September 26, 2013
On Morning Joe, former Obama car czar Steve Rattner repeats the Obama admin line that negotiating with Republicans over raising the debt ceiling is "like negotiating with terrorists."  When Joe Scarborough asked "so you're saying [then Senator] Barack Obama was a terrorist in 2006 when he said he refused to raise the debt ceiling," Rattner has no answer and turns to Mika Brzezinski for help.
MarkF | September 24, 2013
On Morning Joe, James Carville likens Republican primary voters to low-quality prison inmates.
MarkF | September 19, 2013
On Morning Joe, Nicolle Wallace, formerly President George W. Bush's communications director, analogizes Republicans trying to defund ObamaCare to two-year olds on scooters running into traffic against a red light, and suggest the "adults" in the party need to restrain them.