Mark Finkelstein

Mark's undergrad degree is from Cornell. He has law degrees from SUNY Buffalo and Harvard. He practiced law in NYC, Mexico City, and Paris, before doing a stint as a pro tennis manager and tournament organizer. He returned to his college town of Ithaca, NY and got involved in real estate development and politics.

In 2011, Mark moved to Pecan Plantation, TX, and in 2018, to Oak Island, NC.

Mark's a dog lover who has used his small plane to do many dog-rescue flights. He speaks Spanish and French.

MarkF | December 21, 2015
It's rare when a politician says something surprising, or doesn't succumb to a feel-good suggestion. Which made Rick Santorum's response to Joe Scarborough this morning so doubly remarkable.Scarborough had teed Santorum up to agree with his suggestion that we need to "reach out aggressively to let Muslim Americans know that they are every bit a part of the American dream as you or me." But…
MarkF | December 17, 2015
In a modern-day variation on "better red than dead," Joe Scarborough claims that Haley Barbour and many Republican leaders would "much rather" have Hillary be president than to let Trump win and represent the GOP.If it looks like Trump will win the nomination, which Scarborough sees as very plausible, he envisions Mitt Romney or Michael Bloomberg jumping into the race as a third-candidate. Not…
MarkF | December 16, 2015
When tagging items at NewsBusters, one of our Media Bias sub-categories is "Sudden Respect." The notion is that to win the affection of the MSM, all a Republican or conservative has to do is to turn on members or positions of his party. There was a great illustration of the phenomenon on today's Morning Joe. During last night's undercard debate, Lindsay Graham repeatedly ripped fellow Republicans…
MarkF | December 15, 2015
Ted Cruz: MSNBC's modern-day version of Nikolai Yezhov! Yezhov was the head of Stalin's secret police who fell into disfavor and was executed during a purge. A photo of him standing next to Stalin was famously airbrushed to remove his image.And so we come to today's Morning Joe, which displayed an image of tonight's Vegas debate stage. Photos of all the candidates appear at their assigned slots…
MarkF | December 14, 2015
Let's oblige Joe Scarborough. He prefaced his remarks this morning by saying "this is the sort of thing that right-wing bloggers get very angry about." On Morning Joe, Scarborough said "I am shocked by how many Republicans, that have always voted Republican, that have said they're going to vote for Hillary if it's Cruz or Trump running against Hillary. I'm talking Deep South, Southern Baptist.…
MarkF | December 13, 2015
Ain't that reassuring? . . . On today's Meet the Press, John Kerry told Chuck Todd that "we know who is coming into our country for the most part." Kerry statement came after he boasted about the Obama admin's "huge process" for vetting visa applicants. Not huge enough to catch Tafsheen Malik. Knowing for "the most part" who is entering the US is dangerously insufficent, given the hundreds of…
MarkF | December 11, 2015
It's one thing to dump on Trump, as author Rick Perlstein did on today's With All Due Respect, saying The Donald is a modern-day George Wallace, and floating "fascism" about him. But Perlstein took things further, denigrating Trump supporters in the ugliest terms.Per Perlstein, Trump has unleashed forces in his supporters "that are more animalistic than human." Perlstein added that spectacle of…
MarkF | December 11, 2015
Jon Meacham is no conservative. The Pulitzer-winning historian is, after all, a former editor of Time and Newsweek. Which makes his declaration about President Obama that much more damning.Asked on today's Morning Joe for an historical analogy to Barack Obama, Meacham harkened back to Jimmy Carter: "three years into his administration, [Carter] giving a speech about this very subject, saying that…