Eric Scheiner
Director, MRCTV

Eric Scheiner is the Director of MRCTV, and has over 20 years experience in broadcasting and video production. Beginning his broadcasting career in the First-In-The-Nation Primary state of New Hampshire, politics, government spending and constitutional issues have been a major thread through his work. Eric left New England in 2005 to host the launch of the award winning 'WYOU Interactive' program for the Pennsylvania CBS affiliate before relocating to the DC area and joining with the Media Research Center.

Eric Scheiner | April 25, 2011
In Washington DC, An Exxon Gas Station Charges Almost 5 Dollars A Gallon For Gasoline As Opposed To A Gas Station The Charges Almost A Dollar Less Across The Street
Eric Scheiner | April 25, 2011
White House spokesperson Jay Carney discusses the draft of the Executive Order to enact parts of the 'Disclose Act'.
Eric Scheiner | April 25, 2011
The Obama administration is facing growing calls to respond firmly to the bloodshed in Syria, as lawmakers from both parties call for a response beyond the issuing of statements condemning the deadly clampdown.
Eric Scheiner | April 20, 2011
Charlie Sheen brought his “Violent Torpedo Of Truth: Defeat Is Not An Option” show to Washington, D.C. yesterday, and decided to make some political comments.
Eric Scheiner | April 20, 2011
During an appearance on 'Hannity' yesterday, Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin said "We need to fight" raising the debt ceiling.
Eric Scheiner | April 20, 2011
A fact-check group says President Barack Obama has misrepresented and “exaggerated” the House Republicans’ deficit-reduction plan, but he’s sticking with his interpretation of what the Republican legislation would mean for seniors.
Eric Scheiner | April 19, 2011
President Barack Obama on Tuesday misstated the reason for the 2007 collapse of a Minnesota bridge carrying an interstate freeway over the Mississippi River, inaccurately blaming it on insufficient federal spending on transportation.
Eric Scheiner | April 19, 2011
The director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy and former Seattle police Chief Gil Kerlikowske would not say whether or not the lack of security at the southwest border affects U.S. drug control policy.
Eric Scheiner | April 19, 2011
President Barack Obama told an “Easter Prayer Breakfast” held at the White House on Tuesday morning that the resurrection of Our Savior Jesus Christ puts everything in perspective.
Eric Scheiner | April 19, 2011
President Obama gets heated with a Texas TV reporter."Let me finish my answers the next time we do an interview, all right?" Obama told reporter Brad Watson of WFAA after an interview .