Brittany M. Hughes
Managing Editor

Brittany is the managing editor of MRCTV and MRC Culture. She hosts the weekly podcast "The Brittany Hughes Show" and previously hosted "Reality Check" on MRCTV. She's a graduate of the College of William and Mary. Before coming to MRCTV, she worked as an investigative reporter for CNS News. Prior to that, she was an education and politics reporter in Danville, Virginia. 

Brittany M. Hughes | June 26, 2018
The state of California is looking to create an official “fake news” advisory board to ferret out information they determine to be misleading. And guess who’d be on the panel? Yep. Looks like a whole bunch of liberals. According to CBS Sacramento, Senate Bill 1424 would establish a board “required to study how false information is spread online and come up with a plan for social media platforms…
Brittany M. Hughes | June 26, 2018
The Supreme Court on Tuesday overturned a California law that would have required pro-life crisis pregnancy centers to promote abortion services and funnel patients to abortion providers. The law, upheld by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals before being referred to the Supreme Court, required pro-life clinics to display a state-written, large-font notice within prominent view of their patients…
Brittany M. Hughes | June 26, 2018
Someone reportedly left a burnt and decapitated animal carcass on a top Homeland Security official’s front porch this week as leftist riots and harassment against Trump officials ramp up in the wake of a heated immigration debate, WTOP reports. Because this is what political discourse has come to in 2018 America: leaving dead animals on someone’s porch because you don’t like their employer. In…
Brittany M. Hughes | June 22, 2018
In the past 48 hours alone, DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was harassed and chased out of a restaurant in D.C., a Florida man was arrested for threatening to kill a GOP congressman’s small children, Antifa released a hit list of ICE agents and their personal information, and a Hollywood celebrity said Nielsen should be publicly assaulted and that 12-year-old Barron Trump should be locked in a…
Brittany M. Hughes | June 22, 2018
Author and leftist pundit Dan Savage is now calling for pro-illegal immigration activists to storm Fox News headquarters in New York City and harass employees as they try to leave the building -- all because the network and many of its reporters have dared to contradict the liberal media's false immigration narrative with actual facts. Here are Savage's tweets:         Yep. The same side of…
Brittany M. Hughes | June 22, 2018
The ultra-progressive socialist city of Seattle may very well have the highest number of unfaithful spouses, according to a new (and not-at-all shocking) survey. According to this, Washington State's liberal bastion of Free Love apparently boasts the highest number of active Ashley Madison accounts, the hush-hush website designed for married adults to find extra-marital hookups without their…
Brittany M. Hughes | June 22, 2018
TIME magazine has issued a correction for its totally erroneous cover story that accused border patrol agents of ripping the screaming child in a now-debunked photo away from her mother. The magazine had based its article (and its shameless cover) on a now-infamous and deceptive image taken by a Getty photographer showing a crying toddler staring up at her mother after the pair was apprehended…
Brittany M. Hughes | June 22, 2018
Remember this viral video of a little girl crying hysterically as border agents prepared to “separate” her from her mother after the pair crossed the border illegally?   The photo of a Honduran girl crying as she and her mom are detained in Texas has grabbed worldwide attention and come to symbolize the debate about separating kids from their parents. Only on @CBSThisMorning, the border agent…
Brittany M. Hughes | June 21, 2018
Guess what happens when a nation has open borders that allow illegal aliens to flock over in droves without documentation, background checks or proper entry procedures, all in the name of compassion? Kids suffer and die. Case in point: a Central American boy was found wandering in the sweltering Arizona desert this week after an alleged family member dumped him by the side of the road and…
Brittany M. Hughes | June 20, 2018
President Trump signed an executive order Wednesday ending the widely unpopular practice of separating illegal alien children from their parents being detained along the border. The executive order – which is about like putting a Band-Aid on a gunshot wound – ends that policy by allowing children to be kept with their parents in detention at the border until their cases are adjudicated. So,…