Brittany M. Hughes
Managing Editor

Brittany is the managing editor of MRCTV and MRC Culture. She hosts the weekly podcast "The Brittany Hughes Show" and previously hosted "Reality Check" on MRCTV. She's a graduate of the College of William and Mary. Before coming to MRCTV, she worked as an investigative reporter for CNS News. Prior to that, she was an education and politics reporter in Danville, Virginia. 

Brittany M. Hughes | March 20, 2020
Millions of Americans are suffering. Some have been furloughed without pay. Others are facing lay-offs. Businesses are being forced to close with no end date. And what’s the media doing? Accusing Trump of racism. For calling the coronavirus the “Chinese virus.” Which it is.    
Brittany M. Hughes | March 19, 2020
NFL Hall of Famer Michael Irvin might want to stick to sports. Because when it comes to pandemics, his commentary gets a lot less valuable. The former Dallas Cowboys wide receiver declared on Twitter Thursday that the Mexico-based Corona beer company, which markets its famous – albeit unfortunately named, at the moment – longnecks in need of a lime, should stop advertising their product until the…
Brittany M. Hughes | March 19, 2020
CNN Host Brian Stelter slammed OANN reporter Chanel Rion for openly claiming during a White House briefing Thursday that the liberal media have “teamed up with Chinese communist party narratives” to push the idea that calling the coronavirus the “Chinese virus” and highlighting its Chinese origin is somehow “racist.” During the briefing, Rion asked Trump if he found it “disturbing” that many in…
Brittany M. Hughes | March 18, 2020
President Donald Trump gave the perfect response to a reporter who asked him during a press briefing Wednesday why he continues to refer to the coronavirus as the “Chinese virus,” alleging that the term is “racist.”  “Why do you keep calling this virus the “Chinese virus”? There are reports of dozens of incidents of bias against Chinese Americans in this country. Your own aides, Secretary Azar…
Brittany M. Hughes | March 18, 2020
Faced with a public health crisis that threatens to shut down industry and potentially devastate some smaller businesses beyond repair, some employers are stepping up to the challenge of staying open – and meeting the need. Dillon’s Distillery says they’re cranking out bottles of 65% alcohol not for consumption, but to use for disinfecting. The small-batch liquor company is bottling their…
Brittany M. Hughes | March 18, 2020
While the coronavirus has sparked panic among the general populace at large, jails, prisons and detention centers have come under increased scrutiny for the ability – or, rather, lack of – to keep the potentially deadly virus from breaking out among their tightly-packed prisoner populations. And apparently, some cities like Philly have decided it’s probably better to just not arrest anyone at…
Brittany M. Hughes | March 17, 2020
Taking a cue from the far-left progressive Democrats he so often props up on his show, MSNBC’s Chris Hayes seized on President Donald Trump’s $500 billion economic stimulus request form Congress to claim America can afford the left's Green New Deal. Which would cost something in the neighborhood of $51-93 trillion, but hey, let’s not squabble over numbers. Because apparently, they don’t matter…
Brittany M. Hughes | March 17, 2020
Hours after Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan announced the mandatory closure of all restaurants, bars, movie theaters and gyms and restricted all gatherings to 50 persons or more amid coroanvirus fears, some state and local law enforcement are now saying they’ll enforce the order up to and including arresting people who defy it. “We’re not playing around. The hope is that people understand the…
Brittany M. Hughes | March 17, 2020
Amid the widespread panic over the coronavirus – and the even more widespread panic over the panic itself – grocery stores are now met daily with long lines and throngs of customers ransacking their shelves for canned goods, pasta and household goods and cleaners. As the panic heightens, in an attempt to help the most vulnerable, some stores have taken the added measure of opening their doors…
Brittany M. Hughes | March 16, 2020
New York Mayor Bill de Blasio loves the YMCA so much, he wanted to visit it one last time before #Coronapocalypse shuts its doors. Or, so he says. Everyone else just thinks he went to the gym while disregarding a public health crisis.  De Blasio caught flak on social media Monday after visiting his local YMCA at literally the same moment New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo was announcing the statewide…