Brent Baker
VP of Research and Publications

Brent H. Baker, the Steven P.J. Wood Senior Fellow and Vice President for Research and Publications at the Media Research Center (MRC), has been a central figure at the MRC since its 1987 founding. In 2001, Weekly Standard Executive Editor Fred Barnes dubbed Baker “the scourge of liberal bias.” In 2005, Baker spearheaded the launch of the MRC’s NewsBusters blog (his blog postings).

Follow Baker via Twitter. (Full bioWashington Examiner's weekly "Mainstream Media Scream," with Baker's scream rating, are on NewsBusters as of January 2015. Read them here

Brent Baker | September 2, 2012
“I’m frankly, fed up, with the one-sided bias,” a frustrated Newt Gingrich asserted on Sunday’s Meet the Press, citing two blatant examples. First: “Where is the outrage over overt, deliberate racism” in Vice President Joe Biden telling a black audience “if the Republicans win you will be ‘in chains’”? Second, President Obama “voted three times to protect the right of doctors to kill babies who…
Brent Baker | August 30, 2012
NBC News demonstrated again Thursday night it has become little more than the more-watched broadcast arm of MSNBC, advancing the same left-wing attacks on conservatives as first trotted out on the cable side. While ABC and CBS managed to refrain from airing entire stories and interviews aimed to discredit Paul Ryan, NBC did not. In packaging Obama campaign talking points, however, Chuck Todd…
Brent Baker | August 29, 2012
NBC anchor Brian Williams reprimanded Ann Romney for saying “I believe in my heart that Mitt is going to save America,” suggesting it would have been incendiary if Michelle Obama had made such a promise. As the two sat in the NBC News booth at the Republican convention, Williams told Mrs. Romney the phrasing “jumped off the screen to me” and maintained, without identifying the supposed…
Brent Baker | August 28, 2012
Defending President Obama to guest Dennis Miller, Jay Leno admired Obama for how “he has compassion for regular people” that’s “missing” from the Republican Party which is carrying out “this sort of war on women.” When, on Monday’s Tonight Show, Miller mocked the idea of such a Republican “war on women,” Leno insisted: “I think it is.”Revealing his true political views usually obscured by his…
Brent Baker | August 26, 2012
ABC’s George Stephanopoulos opened his Sunday show: “Good morning and welcome to This Week. Storms brewing. The GOP convention threatened by Tropical Storm Isaac and that political hurricane from Todd Akin...” Over on CBS, guest Haley Barbour scolded Bob Schieffer who had wondered how Republicans get the focus “back” onto the economy? Barbour called Schieffer out for his obsession on Akin: “…
Brent Baker | August 25, 2012
Last week when President Barack Obama raised the old tale of how Mitt Romney once put his dog in a car top carrier, the NBC Nightly News gave a sentence to how Obama “took a dig at Romney” and the CBS Evening News didn’t mention it, but on Friday night both newscasts pounced on Romney for daring to make a birth certificate joke.“Was it a joke?” fill-in NBC anchor David Gregory demanded, teasing a…
Brent Baker | August 19, 2012
What happens when campaign donors get the chance to have dinner with President Obama and the check comes? NBC’s Tonight Show imagined one scenario in this video run last November – but it's still reflective of Obama’s deficit spending policies – at the end of FNC’s Special Report.
Brent Baker | August 14, 2012
MSNBC's Chris Matthews on the Tuesday, August 14 Hardball, re Paul Ryan:"This guy could be worse than Quayle, more trouble than Tom Eagleton because, this time, the presidential candidate and his team knew the weakness, saw the trouble they were walking into before they walked into it and that’s not the best argument for Mr. Romney’s business acumen. This may be the worst merger since AOL bought…
Brent Baker | August 13, 2012
Chuck Todd has chutzpah. Jake Tapper has some integrity. For decades, journalists have aided liberals by mischaracterizing proposed slight reductions in the rate of spending hikes on a program as a “cut” or “slash” to it, which many trusting people, naively presuming the words have meaning, thus assumed there’d be an actual reduction.NBC’s Peter Alexander repeated this fallacy on Monday’s Today…
Brent Baker | August 13, 2012
In a special Saturday night edition of Hardball after Mitt Romney picked Paul Ryan as his VP, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews railed against the choice. He twice claimed that Ryan’s budget “screws” needy people, charging Ryan “really screws the people who desperately need Medicare and programs like that.” And: “He’s screwing the people he doesn’t expect to vote for him. The people he doesn’t expect to…