Brent Baker
VP of Research and Publications

Brent H. Baker, the Steven P.J. Wood Senior Fellow and Vice President for Research and Publications at the Media Research Center (MRC), has been a central figure at the MRC since its 1987 founding. In 2001, Weekly Standard Executive Editor Fred Barnes dubbed Baker “the scourge of liberal bias.” In 2005, Baker spearheaded the launch of the MRC’s NewsBusters blog (his blog postings).

Follow Baker via Twitter. (Full bioWashington Examiner's weekly "Mainstream Media Scream," with Baker's scream rating, are on NewsBusters as of January 2015. Read them here

Brent Baker | January 26, 2013
“Is Hillary Clinton the new Barack Obama in the eyes of the national media?” Bill O’Reilly asked in his Friday night “Talking Points Memo,” using the same examples as highlighted in the NewsBusters post on coverage of her Wednesday Benghazi testimony: “Networks Swoon for Hillary’s ‘Indignation’ and ‘Tears,’ Champion ‘Riveting’ Testimony from ‘Political Pro.’”More in the cross-post on the MRC's…
Brent Baker | January 23, 2013
Mark January 23rd as the launch date for the news media’s fresh campaign to have Hillary Clinton replace Barack Obama in the Oval Office in 2017. ABC and NBC, and CBS to a lesser extent, on Wednesday night treated Secretary of State Clinton’s appearances before Senate and House committees not as an chance to explore Obama administration dissembling on Benghazi, but as an opportunity to boost…
Brent Baker | January 14, 2013
New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, on ABC’s This Week on Sunday, January 13, applied terror-like language to lash out at Republicans for using the debt ceiling as leverage to reduce spending:“We should not allow this to become thought of as a legitimate or normal budget strategy. This is hostage-taking. This is walking into a room saying I’ve got a bomb, give me what I want or I’ll blow up…
Brent Baker | January 13, 2013
Minutes before being crowned Miss America on Saturday night, Miss New York, Mallory Hytes Hagan, matched the attitude toward guns espoused by her very liberal Governor, Andrew Cuomo. Asked by judge Sam Champion, the weather-reader for ABC’s Good Morning America, about putting armed guards in schools, Hagen condemned the concept, insisting: “The answer is not to fight violence with violence.”As if…
Brent Baker | January 7, 2013
Tonight, viewers of CBS-owned Showtime will be treated to the ninth of ten installments of Oliver Stone’s Untold History of the United States, which has attacked U.S. leaders – from FDR to Ronald Reagan – from the far-left while hailing the virtues of communists. Last Monday’s installment, on Carter and Reagan, offered a representative sampling of Stone’s worldview, an hour which included…
Brent Baker | January 7, 2013
Sounds like a personal vendetta ahead of genuine regret. CBS Late Show host David Letterman admitted to Oprah Winfrey, in an interview first aired Sunday night, that he backtracked after outrage erupted following a sex joke he told involving Sarah Palin’s then-14-year-old daughter Willow, not because it was highly inappropriate, but primarily so he could continue ridiculing Willow’s mother: "I’ll…
Brent Baker | December 29, 2012
“Every year a conservative watchdog organization, the Media Research Center, names the worst reporters of the year,” Fox NewsWatch host Jon Scott announced, ending Saturday afternoon’s show with clips from the MRC’s “Best Notable Quotables of 2012: The Twenty-Fifth Annual Awards for the Year’s Worst Reporting.” He explained “votes were cast by some of the best and brightest in the business,…
Brent Baker | December 27, 2012
ABC News had to wait two weeks to get on air Barbara Walters’ interview with the Obamas, and then the network’s evening newscast decided to focus on her asking Barack and Michelle Obama about their sex life. “An ABC News exclusive,” fill-in World News anchor David Muir teased, “Barbara Walters at the White House, asking Michelle Obama if she’ll run for office next. And a personal question, too.”…
Brent Baker | December 23, 2012
A humorous look at men versus women – as seen through how they tackle eating corn on the cob, a contrast caught by NBC’s Tonight Show and shown by Bret Baier at the end of FNC’s Special Report back on Tuesday, December 4. Cross-posted on the MRC's NewsBusters blog.
Brent Baker | December 10, 2012
Joe Scarborough on the December 10 Morning Joe on MSNBC: “These type of people who have the ability to make what Bush called the compassionate conservative argument, they’re thrown to the side because they don't sound enough like Glenn Beck or a blogger....What do you do to a schoolyard bully? You punch him in the face. You think any of these people in talk radio, if they’re punched in the face…