Brad Wilmouth
bradwilmouth | December 25, 2011
In light of the development this weekend that Mitt Romney and Ron Paul were the only two presidential candidates who  had enough valid signatures to appear on the Virginia Republican primary ballot on March 6,  the American Spectator's John Fund appeared on Sunday's Fox and Friends on FNC and suggested that Newt Gingrich may yet find a way to secure a spot on the Virginia ballot.
bradwilmouth | December 25, 2011
During a roundtable discussion on Sunday's Face the Nation on CBS, after asserting that in past years divided government had "produced some really remarkable pieces of legislation," correspondent Nancy Cordes blamed the presence of Tea Party Republicans for less congressional success in enacting legislation this year.For more details, see NewsBusters.
bradwilmouth | December 25, 2011
On Saturday's NBC Nightly News, during a report recounting the gathering of Christian pilgrims in Bethlehem for Christmas celebrations, correspondent Martin Fletcher relayed Palestinian complaints about Israel, and gave attention to the display of an anti-Israel publicity stunt set to coincide with the occasion taking advantage of a Christmas tree theme.After recounting the celebrations and…
bradwilmouth | December 24, 2011
During her interview with President and Mrs. Obama on Friday's 20/20, ABC's Barbara Walters made a point of contrasting GOP presidential candidate Newt Gingrich's history of marital problems with the successful marriage of the First Family.Fore more, see NewsBusters.
bradwilmouth | December 24, 2011
As NBC co-anchor Amy Robach teased Saturday's Today show, she described the Republican House's passage of the Senate version of a temporary payroll tax cut extension as the President scoring "a win for some 160 million workers."For more, see NewsBusters.
bradwilmouth | December 24, 2011
Appearing as a panel member on Friday's Inside Washington on PBS, Politico's Evan Thomas - formerly of Newsweek - took a jab at Senate Republican Leader Mitch Mcconnell, suggesting that he is normally not a "good guy," during a discussion of the Kentucky Republican's role in reaching a deal with Democrats to extend the payroll tax cut by two months.
bradwilmouth | December 23, 2011
On Friday's CBS Evening News, as correspondent Sharyl Attkisson filed a report to inform viewers that the House of Representatives had approved the Senate plan for a two-month payroll tax cut extension, Attkisson included a clip of Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid directing a "lecture" at and blaming House Republicans, as she passed on his hope that they had "learned a lesson."For more,…
bradwilmouth | December 23, 2011
Friday's World News on ABC ran a report by correspondent Dan Harris which celebrated a 21-year-old former coma patient who was revived after his doctor decided to delay disconnecting him from life support.Substitute anchor Josh Elliot followed up with a positive item regarding religion as he recounted a recent survey finding that the overwhelming majority of Americans - 77 percent - believe in…
bradwilmouth | December 23, 2011
As the broadcast network morning newscasts all reported on House Republicans backing down on a temporary extension of the payroll tax cut without extracting additional concessions from Democrats, the CBS team saw humor in the House Republican move as substitute co-anchor Jim Axelrod quipped that "the word of the day in Washingtgon will be 'cave,'" evoking laughter.