Brad Wilmouth
bradwilmouth | May 14, 2020
I think the problem is that the virus has been politicized, and, you know, you have Democrats believing in science and believing in the need to listen to people like Sanjay (Gupta) and Doctor Bright, who's going to testify, and you have Republicans who are looking at this, it seems to me, through an ideological lens that is about hostility to government, disbelief in science, and government has…
bradwilmouth | May 14, 2020
Cross-posted to the MRC's NewsBusters blog On Thursday's New Day show, CNN senior legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin went on a tear against Wisconsin Republicans for successfully suing to end the stay-at-home orders enacted by Democratic Governor Tony Evers. Toobin declared that state Republicans had made Wisconsin a "failed state" with their "outrageous lawsuit," and went on to claim Republicans…
bradwilmouth | May 14, 2020
Cross-posted to the MRC's NewsBusters blog On Wednesday's Full Frontal on TBS, liberal comedienne spent much of her show advocating for using the pandemic to advance liberal causes on issues like welfare and abortion.  Liberals like former Labor Secretary Robert Reich and former NBC presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin contributed their voices to talking up liberal economic policies. The…
bradwilmouth | May 14, 2020
DORIS KEARNS GOODWIN, PRESIDENTIAL HISTORIAN: We've been through really tough times before, and we did emerge better as a result of them.  MIKE RUBENS: For example, the Great Depression led to once radical reforms. GOODWIN: You get eventually Social Security, you get a safety net, and you get a minimum wage and collective bargaining.  RUBENS: World War II brought the G.I. Bill, more women in…
bradwilmouth | May 14, 2020
SAMANTHA BEE: Now, while Democrats are trying to raise benefits by 15 percent, Republicans are attempting to block that change. Just for context, the maximum benefit for a family of four is only $646 per month. For Republicans, giving hungry families an extra hundred bucks during a worldwide pandemic is too much of an ask both because they deeply, passionately don't give a s*** about poor people…
bradwilmouth | May 14, 2020
SAMANTHA BEE:  Now, while Democrats are trying to raise benefits by 15 percent, Republicans are attempting to block that change. Just for context, the maximum benefit for a family of four is only $646 per month. For Republicans, giving hungry families an extra hundred bucks during a worldwide pandemic is too much of an ask both because they deeply, passionately don't give a s*** about poor people…
bradwilmouth | May 13, 2020
Cross posted to the MRC's NewsBusters blog On Tuesday's Amanpour & Co. on PBS and CNN International, host Christiane Amanpour incorrectly claimed that the U.S. is "doing the worst" in dealing with the coronavirus pandemic in spite of "spending the most" as she spoke with New York Times science reporter Donald McNeil. McNeil only singled out Sweden as having a worse death rate than the U.S.…
bradwilmouth | May 12, 2020
Cross posted to the MRC's NewsBusters blog Since news broke of the disturbing killing of Georgia resident Ahmaud Arbery by two men who apparently mistook him for a burglar, some in the liberal media have used the tragic event to invoke the Trayvon Martin killing from 2012 and to bash conservatives for defending George Zimmerman's actions in that case. MSNBC hosts Joe Scarborough and Joy Reid…
bradwilmouth | May 12, 2020
JOE SCARBOROUGH: Let's talk about the tragedy in Georgia, and I find it interesting that I remember that after Trayvon there were many people that considered themselves to be conservative that continued to support George Zimmerman throughout that entire process, shooting Trayvon Martin because he had Skittles in his pocket, and he was basically gunned down for being black in a predominantly white…
bradwilmouth | May 12, 2020
The British prime minister, Boris Johnson, is trying to ease the lockdown while mindful that the nation's infection and death rates are the highest in Europe.  Belgium -- 8,843 -- 77.2 Spain -- 27,104 --57.7 Italy -- 31,106 -- 51.8 UK -- 32,679 -- 48.8 France -- 27,074 -- 40.4 Sweden -- 3,460 -- 33.8 Netherlands -- 5,562 -- 32.2 Ireland -- 1,497 -- 30.6 United States -- 85,182 -- 25.8…