
mathew | October 2, 2012
Ian Hanchett | October 2, 2012
Activist Dan Savage accused the Family Research Council of promoting a high suicide rate among homosexual youths at a university-sponsored event at…
Ian Hanchett | October 2, 2012
 President Obama attempted to distance himself from an ad run by Priorities USA that claimed Mitt Romney was responsible for the death of Joe Soptic'…
Ian Hanchett | October 2, 2012
Yesterday, Occupy DC celebrated its first anniversary by disrupting the morning commute on K Street. The group then turned its wrath on several…
MarkF | October 2, 2012
When former Obama "car czar" Steve Rattner expresses support for Scott Brown over Elizabeth Rattner in the Massachussetts senate race, Mika…
Rich Noyes | October 2, 2012
Reviewing the last several campaigns, MRC analysts have found a clear trend of network reporters fawning over the performance of liberal candidates,…
Ian Hanchett | October 1, 2012
Americans for Prosperity: Michigan drew a crowd at a protest where they sold gas for $1.84, the price of gas when President Obama took office. 200…
kyoder | October 1, 2012
The group ActsFive29 protests the Obama administration's HHS mandate, which forces employers to provide contraceptives and abortifacients to…
Ken Shepherd | October 1, 2012
In an interview last Thursday with Reno, Nevada, station KTVN, Ann Romney said her chief concern with her husband winning the presidency would be…
Ian Hanchett | October 1, 2012
 Ana Maria Rosato, the Communications Director for Democrat Congressional candidate Keith Fitzgerald posted a long diatribe about the supposedly…
Bradlee Dean | October 1, 2012 to Bradlee Dean's radio broadcast, The Sons of Liberty, Monday - Friday 2-3pm CST at http://…
Geoffrey | October 1, 2012
Over the weekend of September 29-30, 2012 the Univision network broke major news in the Fast and Furious gunwalking scandal. They found 57…
MattH | October 1, 2012
In response to GOP claims of liberal media bias, CNN's Brooke Baldwin played a 1992 clip of former President George H. W. Bush ranting about media…
Ian Hanchett | October 1, 2012
Hidalgo County (TX) Sheriff Lupe Trevino was caught on tape demoting a veteran officer to a department filled with junior officers. Trevino admitted…
Ian Hanchett | October 1, 2012
 Former Democratic Pollster Pat Caddell stated that biased reporting poses a threat to the survival of the American system of government.  Caddell…
therightscoop | October 1, 2012
Pamella Geller vs Richard Wallis