
Ian Hanchett | October 3, 2012
A new attack against Mitt Romney featuring his garbage collectors has been receiving attention as the Left continues to paint Mitt Romney as another…
MarkF | October 3, 2012
On Morning Joe, Zbigniew Brzezinski claims to see the outlines of a "conspiracy" in the making of the anti-Mohammed movie trailer.  Saying "it's not…
MRCTVone | October 3, 2012
For some strange reason, the most controversial quotes from this speech were edited out by the media.
Brent Baker | October 3, 2012
All Clint Eastwood wanted to convey at the Republican convention “is that maybe our government would be as fiscally responsible as he is,” comedian/…
Joe Schoffstall | October 2, 2012
On April 29, 2008, Barack Obama distanced himself from Rev. Jeremiah Wright saying he was "outraged" at his statements. He went on to say they were "…
Anonymous | October 2, 2012
Obama is Jimmy Carter X 20. Why can't people see that?  
SDAMatt2 | October 2, 2012
Ezra Levant has set up a site at which donations can be made to support the family of Sergeant First Class Christopher James Speer, murdered by…
Ian Hanchett | October 2, 2012
On Thursday, businessman and former Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain gave a group of hecklers a lesson in American exceptionalism.  Cain…
MattH | October 2, 2012
CNN's Brooke Baldwin hosted liberal journalist Carole Simpson -- a former ABC News anchor who moderated a 1992 presidential debate -- to talk about…
memcg87 | October 2, 2012 
Jack Coleman | October 2, 2012
As broadcast on "The Rachel Maddow Show," MSNBC, Oct. 1, 2012
Anonymous | October 2, 2012
John Robson clarifies the things we simply need to know.