rainey019 | August 4, 2011
A woman has been accused of beating her 1-year-old son up on the bus. She claims she was feeding the infant and it was an accident. The incident was caught on tape and witnessed by others on the bus who surrounded the woman until police arrived.
rainey019 | August 4, 2011
New York lost 1.6 million residents in the last decade or 8 percent of its population.
rainey019 | August 4, 2011
With Congress in recess without passing a bill for the reauthorization of the FAA, construction projects to repair runways, control towers, and airport expansions are on hold. Federal taxes are not being collected and could top over $1 billion if not resolved by the time Congress comes back into session. The House passed a bill for the reauthorization of the FAA but the Senate has not.
rainey019 | August 3, 2011
Ray LaHood blasts Congress for taking a recess while the FAA is shutdown
rainey019 | August 3, 2011
Rep. Ron Paul says Congress must live within its means like all Americans do and that default is coming no matter what we do.
rainey019 | August 3, 2011
Cumberland County Freeholder Lou Magazzu resigned after sexting to a woman he met over the internet became public. Magazzu has been an elected county official since 1997 and as a result of the photos, Magazzu has taken legal options to have the pictures taken down.
rainey019 | August 3, 2011
A day after signing the debt bill into law, President Obama is in Chicago for his birthday fundraiser and a tour of the Midwest to sell the debt deal he signed.
rainey019 | August 3, 2011
During Tuesday's episode of "The O'Reilly Factor," MRCTV's interview with former green jobs czar Van Jones was aired.
rainey019 | August 2, 2011
FOX 5 DC investigated members of Congress car expenses as the Congress says we all must be better off financially. FOX found that both parties are using their office budgets to lease out cars.
rainey019 | August 2, 2011
FOX 5 DC investigated car expenses for members of the House of Representatives found that members of both parties use their office budget for car leases. The highest monthly payment found is $1440! The Senate does not allow office budgets be used for personal cars.