Notable Quotables

Rich Noyes | January 16, 2013
During live coverage on January 16 of President Obama's speech advocating new gun restrictions, CBS's Bob Schieffer sounded more like an advocate…
Rich Noyes | December 28, 2012
In an interview excerpt shown on World News and Nightline on December 26, 2012, ABC's Barbara Walters tossed this softball: “Mr. President, Mrs.…
Ian Hanchett | November 14, 2012
Fox's Jesse Watters travelled to Bill Maher's show in New York City to ask a few of the Maher faithful what they thought of President Obama's…
Ian Hanchett | October 4, 2012
  Democratic spin doctors have made many pathetic excuses for President Obama's performance in last night's debate, but Al Gore managed to come up…
Jeffrey Meyer | June 28, 2012
Liberal hosts on MSNBC can’t get their talking points in order when it comes to how liberals should react to the Supreme Court.  On Tuesday’s The…
danjoseph | October 4, 2011
Yesterday on Fox News Hank Williams Jr. called  last summers golf summit between Obama and House Speaker John Boehner as "one of the biggest…
Brent Baker | September 18, 2011
Meet the Press host David Gregory contented the fact a Republican presidential debate audience applauded Texas Governor Rick Perry for allowing the…
Scott Whitlock | July 21, 2011
MSNBC's Chris Matthews on July 20, played a clip of Ronald Reagan from an October 22, 1987 press conference and then lied about what the Republican…
Kyle Drennen | July 19, 2011
NBC kept up the drumbeat of blaming Republicans for the debt ceiling gridlock while reporters dismissed a GOP proposal for a balanced budget…
Kyle Drennen | July 18, 2011
In an interview with the Dalai Lama aired on the July 18 NBC Today, co-host Ann Curry bizarrely asked the Tibetan spiritual leader about the debt…
Kyle Drennen | July 14, 2011
Appearing on the July 14 NBC Today, MSNBC host Martin Bashir shared his thoughts on the tabloid phone hacking scandal in Britain and proclaimed that…