
Barbara Boland | February 11, 2015
    "Hillary Clinton’s war in Libya" is to blame "for creating a lot of the chaos that is now spreading throughout the Middle East," said Sen.…
Barbara Boland | February 11, 2015
Yemen, the country that the White House admitted today is a “safe haven” for Al Qaeda “to plan and carry out operations or terror attacks around…
Barbara Boland | February 5, 2015
  ​   “As it relates to decisions carried out by the Jordanian justice system, I’d refer you to them,” was the answer White House spokesperson…
Barbara Boland | January 28, 2015
“One person’s terrorist is another person’s freedom fighter,” wrote an executive in an email banning the words “Islamist,” “jihad,” “terrorist,” “…
patrick.goodenough | January 14, 2015
Secretary of State John Kerry said this week Pakistan has assured him it will act against “all” terror groups – notably including Laskhar e-Toiba, a…
Monica Sanchez | January 8, 2015
Watch the latest video at <a href="http://video.foxnews.com">video.foxnews.com</a> Many have criticized Pres. Obama for “not coming on…
danjoseph | January 8, 2015
While discussing the Islamic terrorist attack in Paris on Special Report's online segment yesterday,  Juan Williams and Stephen Hayes debated as to…
Eric Scheiner | January 7, 2015
Obama: 'These Kind of Attacks Can Happen Anywhere in the World' See More at: http://cnsnews.com/news/article/terence-p-jeffrey/obama-these-kind-…
Barbara Boland | January 7, 2015
“We can’t live in a country without freedom of speech,” Stephane Charbonnier, the editor of French satirical news-magazine Charlie Hebdo told ABC in…
danjoseph | January 7, 2015
The video above is raw footage of the attack on at the offices of a satirical newspaper in Paris, France on Wednesday that left at least 12 people…
Monica Sanchez | December 12, 2014
A widow whose husband was killed in 9/11 called out the U.S. government for harping over what happened after the terrorist attack instead of…
Monica Sanchez | December 11, 2014
During a rare televised press conference, CIA Director John Brennan said that his agency’s Bush-era enhanced interrogation techniques used on…