
Sarah Benecke | December 17, 2015
Five months after Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez, a naturalized U.S. citizen, went on a rampage at a military recruiting center in Chattanooga,…
ashley.rae | December 16, 2015
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has come under fire for announcing his proposal to “close up” parts of the Internet to fight…
ashley.rae | December 14, 2015
As a new Gallup poll reveals Americans have lost their faith in the government’s ability to protect against terrorism, another poll shows terrorism…
Monica Sanchez | December 11, 2015
According to a recent Gallup poll, Americans' confidence in the government’s ability to protect citizens from terrorism has reached a new low of 55…
Jeffdunetz | December 6, 2015
Note all the quotes used in this post are taken directly from a White House generated transcript of the President's speech as written.  In Sunday…
Jeffdunetz | December 6, 2015
Note all the quotes used in this post are taken directly from a White House generated transcript of the President's speech as written.  In Sunday…
patrick.goodenough | December 6, 2015
Radicals exist “in every religion in the world,” Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton said Sunday, explaining her reluctance to speak…
Monica Sanchez | December 4, 2015
In an interview with “CBS This Morning” Friday, President Obama defended his view that the world’s greatest threat is not radical Islamic extremism…
Eric Scheiner | December 4, 2015
WH: Obama Acknowledged 'That This Is an Incident, a Terrible Tragedy' See More at: http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/susan-jones/wh-obama-…
ashley.rae | December 3, 2015
Despite politicians telling the public that global warming is responsible for terrorism, a new poll shows only 19 percent of those who believe in…
patrick.goodenough | November 23, 2015
Amid a wave of jihadist terrorism in France, Sinai, Lebanon and Mali, members of the United Nations met on Monday to focus on “Palestine,” with…
ashley.rae | November 19, 2015
A recent poll found 76 percent of Americans believe it is “likely” that there will be a terrorist attack against the United States in the next 12…