
Nick Kangadis | April 12, 2016
The American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois is saying that reports of the Chicago Police Department surveilling “peaceful” protest groups is “…
Nick Kangadis | February 25, 2016
(Image: Facebook/Screenshot) Update (YAF Statement 6:28 PM 2/25): "Right now, YAF students and staff are essentially being held hostage in the…
Nick Kangadis | February 22, 2016
(Image: AP/Julio Cortez) Ever wonder why your Ivy League sons or daughters are failing their classes? Student activists at Brown University may…
Nick Kangadis | February 16, 2016
(Image: Twitter/OCAD) Protesters shut down the street in front of the recently purchased Chicago Stock Exchange on Tuesday calling for the…
danjoseph | September 24, 2015
While largely drowned out by the excitement of Pope Francis' arrival in Washington DC, there were a spattering of protests in the city from several…
Monica Sanchez | September 2, 2015
Image via Twitter A Baltimore judge on Wednesday upheld charges against six officers implicated in the April death of 25-year-old Freddie Gray, as…
danjoseph | April 22, 2015
Protesters harassed a CNN reporter during a live report, even attempting to grab his microphone at one point at a rally  in Baltimore, Md. on Tuesday…
Barbara Boland | January 8, 2015
  “We want his badge, we want his gun, we want his job,” Jarrett Maupin, a high-profile Phoenix area police protest organizer, was accustomed to…
Monica Sanchez | January 6, 2015
Watch the latest video at <a href=""></a> Expecting to attend a ceremony where he would be…
danjoseph | January 2, 2015
By mid-summer tensions were high in the Israel-Palestinian conflict.  They were also high when MRCTV crashed an anti-Israel protest outside of the…
Monica Sanchez | January 2, 2015
Taking it upon themselves to stop the hate and change the ongoing narrative of contempt for the police, Chicago residents put up ribbons to show…
Monica Sanchez | December 15, 2014
After the #BlackLivesMatter protest in Washington D.C. on Saturday, a group of protesters made an unannounced stop at the White House yelling, “…