
Ben Graham | November 17, 2015
A new Gallup poll released on Nov. 13 revealed that only 3% of Americans found terrorism to be the most important problem in the U.S. The results…
Brittany M. Hughes | September 18, 2015
Based on numerous polls and countless surveys, we already knew Americans didn’t trust Congress or the Executive Branch – but now, it looks like…
ashley.rae | July 8, 2015
A new poll conducted by Gallup reveals that, while most American adults views the Confederate flag as a symbol of Southern pride, Democrats…
ashley.rae | June 23, 2015
According to a recent YouGov poll and a new poll conducted by Gallup, it appears that young people are more likely to support socialism and support…
danjoseph | March 12, 2015
What's the biggest problem facing the United States?   The economy? Unemployment? Racism? Nope. Nope and Nope. According to a new Gallup poll the…
Barbara Boland | January 2, 2015
Americans say the “most important problem” the United States faces is the government – a first according to Gallup. Throughout 2014, an average of…
danjoseph | November 17, 2014
As the second enrollment period for Obamacare began on Saturday, a new Gallup survey found that the law is less popular than it’s ever been since it…