Media Mash

MRCTVone | January 4, 2013
The way the news media fawned over the Democratic 111th Congress -- which passed the wildly unpopular ObamaCare -- while smearing the Republican…
Jeffrey Meyer | December 18, 2012
"The blame America crowd has come back, but it's become far more militant. It's the hate America crowd," NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell noted…
Jeffrey Meyer | December 14, 2012
The same media that was "obsessive about the need for civility in the American public conservation" is deliberately ignoring the utter lack of…
MRCTVone | December 7, 2012
Cokie Roberts and other outspoken liberal journalists are "unelected lobbyists" in the very same sense that they charge Americans for Tax Reform…
MRCTVone | November 30, 2012
Attempts by liberal MSNBC pundits like Touré and Richard Wolffe to dismiss conservative criticisms of Amb. Susan Rice as racially-motivated are…
MRCTVone | November 16, 2012
Chicago Tribune reporter Christi Parson's fawning fan girl act at Wednesday's press conference was bad enough, NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell…
MRCTVone | November 1, 2012
The heroic actions of Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty on September 11 in Benghazi, Libya, is a "riveting story" that the broadcast networks should be…
Ken Shepherd | October 26, 2012
At this point in the campaign, most liberal journalists are panicked, but MSNBC's Chris Matthews, well, he's just "delusional," NewsBusters…
MRCTVone | October 19, 2012
"Anybody who runs interference for Obama on this one issue [the Benghazi attack] is deliberately misleading the American people," NewsBusters…
Ken Shepherd | September 21, 2012
Both Mitt Romney's "47 percent" remarks and Barack Obama's pro-"redistribution" comments could be considered "inflammatory if you want to look…
MRCTVone | August 24, 2012
"These are two of the most moronic statements I have ever heard," NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell, himself a practicing Catholic, complained…