Media Mash

Rich Noyes | March 22, 2013
This edition of Media Mash: MRC President Brent Bozell and FNC host Sean Hannity talk about Chris Matthews smearing the Tea Party as racist, and a…
Jeffrey Meyer | February 15, 2013
Liberal journalists like NBC's Matt Lauer and CBS's Scott Pelley have been acting like "whiney crybabies" recently as they lamented Republicans…
MRCTVone | February 8, 2013
While ultimately only cop-killer Christopher Dorner is responsible for his crimes, the liberal media's deliberate papering over of the left-wing…
MRCTVone | January 23, 2013
"Chris Matthews has it exactly wrong!" NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell told Sean Hannity on the January 22 "Media Mash" segment, reacting to…
MRCTVone | January 18, 2013
"The far left is making [the average American gun owner and NRA member] a villain for abiding by your Second Amendment rights," and they're…
Ken Shepherd | January 4, 2013
Brent Bozell's appearance on a special New Year's Day Hannity.