60 Minutes

kbrown | January 24, 2007
CBS’s Dan Rather asserts during “60 Minutes” that supply and demand made ethanol a success in Brazil, but didn’t mention the ethanol subsidies.
Eric Pairel | September 24, 2006
Katie Couric on CBS's 60 Minutes comments on the U.S being a bully to the world.
kbrown | May 10, 2006
Drilling in ANWR gets an icy reception from Congress and the media.
kbrown | December 15, 2005
CBS’s “60 Minutes” continues the praise for French leisure. Lara Logan described working (or not) in that country on the June 29 show: “Full-time…
kbrown | October 10, 2005
NASCAR driver Richard Petty on CBS's "60 MInutes" discussing capitalism.