60 Minutes

Scott Whitlock | February 19, 2018
[See NewsBusters for more.] CBS’s 60 Minutes on Sunday devoted 11 minutes to potential presidential candidate Oprah Winfrey’s conversation with…
Scott Whitlock | November 21, 2017
[See NewsBusters for more.] CBS on Tuesday fired Charlie Rose in the wake of revelations that he allegedly sexually harassed multiple women for…
Bryan Michalek | September 7, 2017
When Patrick Mitchell was just 12 years old, he begged his mother to let him start taking estrogen hormones to transition into a female. Now, just…
Curtis Houck | May 22, 2017
See more in the cross-post on the NewsBusters blog. On Sunday, CBS’s 60 Minutes and NBC Nightly News acted like P.R. reps for far-left illegal…
Jack Coleman | May 17, 2017
Seldom-seen acknowledgement in liberal media, as reported on CBS' 60 Minutes, May 14, 2017
Jack Coleman | April 25, 2017
Doing her part for the party, as in Democrat party, 60 Minutes correspondent Lesley Stahl questions whether the judiciary should act as a "great…
Curtis Houck | March 27, 2017
See more in the cross-post on the NewsBusters blog. This past Sunday’s edition of 60 Minutes featured a piece by CBS’s Scott Pelley examining the…
Scott Whitlock | January 16, 2017
[See NewsBusters for more.] 60 Minutes co-anchor Steve Kroft on Sunday conducted a nostalgic, gushing interview with Barack Obama, reminiscing that…
Curtis Houck | December 5, 2016
See more in the cross-post on the NewsBusters blog. CBS’s 60 Minutes scored a sit-down on Sunday with House Speaker Paul Ryan conducted by host…
ashley.rae | November 14, 2016
Despite making it a major talking point during his campaign, president-elect Donald Trump said he is still thinking about whether he will appoint a…
melanie.hunter | November 14, 2016
In an interview Sunday with CBS’s “60 Minutes,” President-elect Donald Trump said he is pro-life and would appoint pro-life judges, adding that if…