mrctvstaff | November 22, 2014
    According to the Huffington Post, on Tuesday night the Toronto Maple Leafs took on the Nashville Predators in what seemed to be a normal cross border NHL hockey match.  But the match, or rather the customary singing of the National Anthem prior to the to it, turned out to be anything but normal.  As Michelle Madeira began to sing the U.S. National Anthem her microphone abruptly went out,…
mrctvstaff | November 19, 2014
According to the Daily Mail, Kim Kardashian recently visit an orphanage in the Phang Nga province of Thailand. During her visit Kim met a 13-year-old girl named "Pink," that she took a liking to and later offered to adopt.   Yes, that's right.  Kim Kardasian wanted to assume parental control over yet another human being.  This is where it gets interesting.   Girl Decides To Stay In Thai…
mrctvstaff | November 19, 2014
Johnny Cash does an amazing rendition of the Gettysburg Address for his America: A 200-Year Salute in Story and Song album.  
mrctvstaff | November 19, 2014
Think you know American History? Prove it. Take this quiz and see how well you know America.