mrctvstaff | December 15, 2014
    This is the craziest bungee jump we have ever seen. This jump was 70 meters and just above the Zambezi River and near the Victoria waterfalls in Zimbabwe. This is NOT for the faint of heart. 
mrctvstaff | December 15, 2014
1. Norway Norway has many celebrations but we think this is the craziest. Norwegians do not clean on Christmas Eve. They also make sure that all the brooms in their house are hidden to keep them safe from being stolen by witches and evil spirits. (via)   2. Bavaria, Germany Bavarians dress up in their traditional dress, lederhosen. The Bavarian Highlanders fire handheld mortals in the air…
mrctvstaff | December 15, 2014
    CNN recently aired a super-cut of all (or most) of the women who have come forward and accused Bill Cosby of sexual assault.   Watch and tell us what you think. Hat tip Right Scoop
mrctvstaff | December 12, 2014
    Black conservative verbally harrassed by pro-Landrieu union worker....  A new video was recently released reportedly showing a union member verbally harassing a black conservative campaigning for Republican Bill Cassidy in Louisiana.   Excerpt below from the Washington Times:  The Black Conservative Fund  released a video on YouTube Tuesday showing a union worker verbally abusing …
mrctvstaff | December 11, 2014
1. None of the Duggars were born in June or February.  While none of the blood Duggars were born in June, Josh’s wife Anna and their son Michael were both born in June. This means that they celebrate a birthday every month but February - for now... (via)2. Jim Bob Duggar is a former state legislator.  It's true!  The elder Duggar was a Representative from 1999 to 2002 in the Arkansas House…
mrctvstaff | December 11, 2014
Vice President Dick Cheney recently discussed the Senate report on the CIA interrogation program with Fox News' Bret Baier.  A visibily preturbed Cheney snapped back at critics of the program saying, "What were we supposed to do? Kiss him on both cheeks and say, 'Please please, tell us what you know!'"     Hat tip to Right Scoop    
mrctvstaff | December 10, 2014
1. Dr. Ben Carson was the first person to successfully separate twins conjoined at the head. In 1987, Carson was the main surgeon in a 22-hour separation operation of twin boys from Germany. This was the first ever separation of twins conjoined at the head where both survived. (via) 2. In 2001, Dr. Carson was selected by the Library of Congress as one of 89 “Living Legends.” Dr. Carson is…
mrctvstaff | December 10, 2014
The Navy has rolled out its new uniform for the big Army-Navy game on Saturday. The Navy’s uniform, which was designed by Under Armour, has a very patriotic theme. These uniforms feature red stripes over navy and white along with the First Navy Jack rattlesnake.  (via) (via) The main logo on the helmet is a redesigned Navy “N-star” and again features the rattlesnake.  (via) On the back…
mrctvstaff | December 9, 2014
    The United States Air Force Band surprised visitors at the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum. Their performance included "What Child is This, Greensleeves, and Carol of the Bells." The band was led by Col. Larry H. Lang. 
mrctvstaff | December 7, 2014
Last night Saturday Night Live opened with Kenan Thompson doing a hilarious bit on Al Sharpton's handling of the Eric Garner and Michael Brown cases.   Thompson did an AMAZING job mocking Sharpton's trouble with the teleprompter, his many idiosyncracies, and he even mocked Sharpton for backing protests in NYC that disrupted traffic!   It's RARE that we see SNL take on liberals like Sharpton.  …