mrctvstaff | September 10, 2020
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Sometimes you lose some and other lose.  Here's a collection of some of our favorite 2020 rioter fails complete with color commentary.
mrctvstaff | September 1, 2020
President Donald Trump discusses community safety in Kenosha, Wisconsin. 
mrctvstaff | August 17, 2020
Live: President Trump discusses jobs and the economy in Minnesota.
mrctvstaff | August 1, 2020
Police stopped pro-life groups from painting “Black Preborn Lives Matter” on the street in front of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Washington, DC. Two people were arrested for writing the message in chalk on a sidewalk Saturday. Tina Whittington of Students For Life tells MRCTV that the group worked with police and city officials, and were verbally told the painting would not be prevented.…
mrctvstaff | July 29, 2020
Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell is hoping for some answers on conservative censorship during Wednesday's House Judiciary subcommittee meeting with the big tech giants. On Wednesday morning, Bozell tweeted out his concern about last week's Google 'glitch' that eliminated search results for multiple conservative websites, including MRCTV, NewsBusters and Google is…
mrctvstaff | July 29, 2020
The House Judiciary subcommittee on Antitrust, Commercial, and Administrative Law holds a hearing on "Online Platforms and Market Power, Part 6: Examining the Dominance of Amazon, Apple, Facebook."   The CEOs of Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Apple will testify together in front of Congress for the first time ever, expect recent multiple issues of censorship to be brought up.
mrctvstaff | July 28, 2020
United States Attorney General William Barr testifies on the Justice Department’s mission and programs before the House Judiciary Committee.
mrctvstaff | July 27, 2020
“We don’t believe you,” Media Research Center Founder and President Brent Bozell and the MRC's Free Speech Alliance (FSA) tell Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai in a letter. The FSA is contesting that the most recent blackout of conservative websites on Google’s search engine was a “technical glitch,” as the company claimed. On Monday, Bozell and the FSA released an open letter to Alphabet CEO Sundar…
mrctvstaff | July 20, 2020
 “These are the violent stormtroopers, Nancy Pelosi,” conservative commentator and constitutional scholar Mark Levin tweeted to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) Monday following Sunday’s violent disruption at a pro-police event in Colorado.   1. These are the violent stormtroopers, Nancy Pelosi. BLM and Antifa. And your long silence about their violence, while trashing law enforcement and…