Bud Light Sales Still Plummeting a Year After the Mulvaney Fiasco

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | May 9, 2024

Just over one year following Bud Light’s terrible decision to hire transgender influencer and professional toddler Dylan Mulvaney to promote its once pro-America beer, the company's sales are plummeting.


According to the first-quarter earnings report released Wednesday, Anheuser-Busch, Bud Light’s parent company, has decreased 9.1% in revenue in the U.S. The news comes more than a year after Mulvaney dressed up as a wannabe Katherine Hepburn with black gloves, pearls and red lipstick in an attempt to help Bud Light sell more beer. Mulvaney was also gifted a custom Bud Light can with his face printed on it, which he drank in a bathtub before posting a video of it to social media last April.

Given that the beer is usually consumed by pro-America, country-lovin’ men, the fake girl’s attempt backfired. Bud Light ended up being canned by millions of drinkers across the country and ended up costing the company more than $1 billion in sales.

In February, Bud Light attempted to make a comeback with its Super Bowl ads focusing on patriotism and humor - but, as Fox Business pointed out, the company is “still suffering.”

Aside from the 9.1% decrease in revenue in America, “sales to retailers in the U.S. were down 13.7%” in the first-quarter earnings," Fox News reported. Essentially, distributors don’t want to buy Bud Light to sell because they know that consumers won't buy it!

As former Anheuser-Busch President of Operations Anson Frericks said, “They haven’t done a good job climbing out of this ditch at all,” when talking about how much the wokeness has failed Bud Light. “I think the biggest problem is that they’ve lost trust with their customers,” he added, “and they still haven’t gone out and personally asked for their customers to come back to them and until they restore that trust, I don’t think that this brand is gonna turn around and get back to growth anytime soon.”

Honestly, I agree with Frericks. Brands that get" woke" end up going broke, and true comeback stories are few and far between.

Related: Trans TikToker Dylan Mulvaney Becomes Bud Light's Newest Spokesperson - No, Really

Look at Disney, which started implementing more and more woke crap into its parks, branding and programing and now, is suffering immensely with lack of customer interest and buy-in. Doritos Spain hired a transgender freak to promote its chips and received a ton of pushback. Sports Illustrated recently adopted a more "body-positive" approach to its issue covers and ended up cutting tons of its employees due to the lack of revenue from the failed attempt at appealing to audiences. Even fashion brands that have attempted to gender-neutralize their lines have been canceled.

The truth is, people don’t want this woke crap ruining our perfectly good brands, and Bud Light is learning that the hard way.

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