WH’s Marc Short Schools CNN’s Blitzer on Trump’s Toughness With Russia

Nicholas Fondacaro | March 29, 2019
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

As NewsBusters had previously documented, throughout their programming since Attorney General William Barr sent his summary letter to Congress, CNN had made it painfully clear that they would not let go of their false Trump-Russia collusion narrative. Chief-of-Staff to the vice president Marc Short was on CNN’s The Situation Room on Wednesday and had to school host Wolf Blitzer after he repeatedly insinuated there was something between President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Blitzer repeatedly pushed Short on why Trump refused to blame Russia for meddling in our elections (even though Trump had done so). “I think there's a lot of evidence that Russia has been a malign character in a lot of this, and they have been looking to sow seeds of discord in lots of ways,” Short began before unloading.

But can I just say why I think that a lot of the coverage here has been so deranged for the last couple years? Because you continue to see new news stories today, well, what about -- is he going to accept Russia interference or Russia collusion,” Short continued.

Short proceeded to unravel a laundry list of actions President Trump had taken against Russia, some of which included killing Russians (i.e. Ukraine and Syria).
