Watch Tapper Spin His Wheels as Comer Lays Out Evidence Against Biden

Nicholas Fondacaro | August 10, 2023
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On Thursday, CNN’s Jake Tapper must have been longing for the days when former boss Jeff Zucker would command him through his earpiece as House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) laid out the evidence of President Joe Biden’s alleged corruption on The Lead. Throughout the over nine-minute long (9:30) interview Comer repeatedly countered Tapper’s defense of the President and pointed out the payments CNN refused to acknowledge.

It had been over 24 hours since Comer’s committee released their memo and CNN had spent most of Thursday ignoring it. Between the 10 hours between the start of CNN This Morning and the first hour of The Lead, CNN spent over an hour (1 hour, 1 minute, and 16 seconds) talking about the different Trump legal cases going on and almost 40 minutes (39 minutes and 43 seconds) on ProPublica’s latest hit piece against Justice Clarence Thomas.

The second hour of The Lead (the 5 p.m. time slot) was the first time the Comer memo was mentioned all day, 24 hours from the last time it was mentioned (also on The Lead).


***The complete post is on NewsBusters***