Stelter Whines Fox News ‘Shouting’ About Rockville, But ‘Whispering’ Update

Nicholas Fondacaro | May 7, 2017
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

On March 26, CNN’s ‘ridiculous figure’ Brian Stelter railed against Fox News for daring to report on the case in Rockville, Maryland where two illegal immigrants allegedly raped a 14-year-old girl. Since then, the rape charges have been dropped but child pornography charges took their place. Fox News still reported it, but apparently not well enough for Stelter. “Shouting the allegation. And when it doesn't add up, whispering the update, And all you at home remember is the shouting.” he scolded at the start of the segment on Reliable Sources Sunday.

This is one of the worst tendencies of media, the lack of follow-up. And right now we are seeing it in action on Fox News,” he asserted. “It was a horrifying local story, a story Fox and other conservative outlets focused on because the two male students were immigrants who entered the U.S. illegally.

As with his complaints back in March, Stelter is clearly opposed to the case becoming a national story under any circumstance. He never explained why the case shouldn’t be a national story, but one of his heaviest criticisms of the coverage was that it helped President Trump.

After days and days of loud coverage tilted against the two immigrants, Fox quietly reported the update. There were three short mentions on Friday evening,” he stated after touting how the rape charges were dropped. He then played a clip of Chris Wallace on Special Report saying:
