Stelter: 'Fear' of Elon Musk Buying Twitter Shares, Joining Board

Nicholas Fondacaro | April 5, 2022
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***The complete post is on NewsBusters***

There’s been a flurry of activity at Twitter this week as exocentric billionaire Elon Musk bought enough shares to make him the largest single investor on Monday, and Tuesday saw him join the company’s board of directors with the promise of “significant improvements” on the way. But while conservatives and libertarians rejoiced, CNN’s Brian Stelter was busy on his CNN+ show, Reliable Sources Daily stoking the “fear” and “weariness” people on the left had about the situation.

After news of Musk’s acquisition of shares broke, Stelter brought on CNN Business writers Clare Duffy and Sara O’Brien to discuss. According to Stelter, there’s “fear I think sometimes or weariness” with this notion of “so here’s the richest man on the planet who just bought a big chunk of one of our most important communications tools.”

To seemingly complete his cartoon of Musk as a movie villain, Stelter noted Musk is “one of the largest owners of satellites in the world.” “So, he’s incredibly powerful,” he warned as he showed a trepidation “to use the word ‘strange’ when talking about Elon Musk[.]”
