Slate Editor on CNN: Trump Making Us 'Physically Ill,' Performs Impeachable Actions on 'Weekly Basis'

Ryan Foley | September 2, 2019
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On Sunday's edition of Reliable Sources, host Brian Stelter brought on Dahlia Lithwick of Slate to discuss one of her pieces called "The Demoralizing Reality of Life Under Trump." Stelter also discussed another one of Lithwick's articles titled "Let's Compare Donald Trump's Week to the Impeachment Articles Brought Against Nixon, Clinton, and Johnson." According to Stelter, the article talked about how "we're experiencing on a daily or weekly basis stories that could be impeachable." Stelter proceeded to ask Lithwick "why is that message not getting through to people?" Lithwick did not really address impeachment in her answer, instead talking about how "we're getting physically ill, we're exhausted, we're not sleeping, everybody's drinking too much." Lithwick complained that "I think we're going numb" where "people are starting to say maybe I don't care or maybe I don't trust the news and those are really catastrophically bad outcomes." Lithwick suggested that "journalists have some responsibility to cover this as though it's more than a reality show" and "try to help people understand that the situation today is exponentially worse than when they showed up at the airports after the first travel ban was put into effect." Lithwick also claimed that "our job in the press is to just be morally serious" after bringing up the completely unserious idea of impeachment.