Sharyl Attkisson Schools ABC, CBS, NBC on How to Cover the IRS Scandal

Geoffrey | August 27, 2014
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Unlike her colleagues at the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) networks investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson, on Wednesday night, actually dug into the finer points of the big bombshells revealed in the IRS scandal this week.

Invited on the August 26, 2014 edition of Fox Business Network’s Lou Dobbs Tonight to discuss the revelations of a Department of Justice (DOJ) lawyer confirming the existence of Lois Lerner’s “missing” e-mails and the IRS’s destruction of her Blackberry (stories the networks through Wednesday morning have yet to touch) Attkisson also did a great job of explaining the conflict of interest going on at the DOJ.

Crossposted at Newsbusters.