Scarborough Scalds Carney For Calling IRS Mess A 'Phony Scandal'

MarkF | July 24, 2013
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On today's Morning Joe, Obama spokesman Jay Carney calls the IRS mess a "phony scandal."Joe Scarborough rips into him, calling Carney out for using "talking points" and telling him "I'm not somebody you talk down to from your podium."

Scarborough reminded Carney that he hadn't told the truth when he initially claimed that the scandal was limited to low-level employees in the IRS Cincinnati office, that in fact somehow at least as high as the IRS General Counsel, appointed by President Obama, is involved.  Carney continued to slough off the scandal, claiming it was a Republican diversion and that the President wants to focus on the economy, blah, blah, blah. Things got heated.  At one point, Carney broke into a goofy grin, prompting Scarborough to crack "I'm not sure there's anything to smile about." f