Rumor Mill: CNN Panel Churns Out Speculation About Mueller’s Questions to Trump

Nicholas Fondacaro | March 21, 2018
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

On Wednesday, CNN reported that their infamous anonymous sources were giving them hints at what questions Special Counsel Robert Mueller was planning the ask President Trump during a possible in-person interview. “Obviously the four buckets we now know about … the firing of Comey and Flynn, that statement on Air Force One, and that infamous meeting at Trump Tower,” stated CNN anchor Erin Burnett during OutFront. From there, she and her stacked liberal panel unleashed a flood of speculation.

Certainly all four areas relate to obstruction of justice and certainly all of them, except for the Trump Tower meeting, deal directly with Donald Trump possible obstruction of justice, not other people,” surmised CNN legal commentator Jeffrey Toobin. “Those three areas, the firing of Comey, the firing of Flynn, and the statement on Air Force one all relate to trump's personal possible obstruction of justice.

Toobin did admit that it was “very hard to make a firm conclusion about the subjects he's not asking about,” but that didn’t stop him and the rest of the panel from seemingly making it up as they went along.
