Rose to Rubio on PBS: 'What's the Best Thing You Can Say' About ObamaCare?

Kyle Drennen | January 15, 2015
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More in the cross-post on the MRC's NewsBusters blog.

During an interview with Senator Marco Rubio on Tuesday, PBS host Charlie Rose urged the Florida Republican to say something positive about ObamaCare: "What's the best thing you can say about the Affordable Care Act?" Rubio replied: "That it's forced us to have a debate about health insurance in America." Rose fretted: "That's it?"

Rose tried to push supportive spin on the unpopular policy: "In terms of accessibility, in terms of – it has not been as – I mean, the projected costs have not been as bad as they assumed." Rubio countered: "They've not been as good as they proclaimed either."